Meetings of the delegation of the Republic of Korea
23:12 / 2019-01-15

On January 15, the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan Otabek Murodov met with the delegation of the Republic of Korea led by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Korea Park Sang-ki.

On January 15, the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Uzbekistan Otabek Murodov met with the delegation of the Republic of Korea led by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Korea Park Sang-ki.

At the meeting, issues of attracting Korean specialists to the process of preparing personnel for the sphere, introducing software and modern information-communication technologies in the prosecution authorities were discussed. Views were exchanged on establishment of constructive cooperation in the field of improving the legal framework aimed at comprehensive protection of human rights in the fight against crime. The need for holding trainings in investigation of economic crimes, joint detection and counteraction to cases of corruption was noted.

The Minister of Justice of the Republic of Korea noted that there is every opportunity for strengthening relations and ongoing consultations between law enforcement and justice authorities of the two countries.

Following the meeting, a Cooperation Agreement was signed between the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea.

The delegation of the Republic of Korea also held negotiations with the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ruslanbek Davletov. At the meeting, issues of holding joint activities, strengthening cooperation in improving the legislative system, organizing activities of law firms in South Korea specialized in protection of investors’ rights were discussed.

A Memorandum of Cooperation between the ministries of justice of the two countries was signed, the parties considered the issue of developing a roadmap aimed at effective implementation of the memorandum.

Agreements were reached on personnel development in the Republic of Korea, organization of training workshops.