Meeting with Karakalpakstan voters
09:00 / 2023-06-23

Presidential candidate from the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan Abdushukur Khamzayev met with voters in Muynak district.

The event was attended by deputies of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and local Councils, party activists, youth, and media representatives.

Abdushukur Khamzayev’s proxy Leyli Seitova informed about his biography. Then the Presidential proxy provided information about important areas of his Election Program under the slogan “For Green Development!”. It was noted that it covers such tasks as ensuring environmental stability, efficient and rational use of natural resources, realizing people’s rights to a comfortable environment, and creating decent living conditions for the population and future generations. In particular, the program covers important proposals and initiatives to ensure the implementation of a green policy aimed at environmentally sustainable development and to develop a Green Energy Strategy that promotes the development of renewable energy sources and rational use of natural resources. Important proposals and initiatives were put forward to mitigate the consequences of the Aral crisis and further develop the Aral Sea region.

The candidate's Election Program accelerates work on creating a green belt around Nukus, Bukhara, Urgench, Khiva, Navoi, Muynak, and other settlements. Important initiatives are being put forward to protect ecosystems included in the Ramsar Convention – the Aidar-Arnasai system of lakes, Dengizkul, Quyimozor, Tudakul reservoirs, Sudochye-Akpetki Nature Reserve, creation of modern scientific stations for monitoring processes related to climate change in the regions.

Proposals were noted to ensure the rule of law by codifying environmental legislation to reform the judicial-legal sphere. In particular, the participants talked about the adoption of the Environmental, Water and Forestry Codes, the Law “On Waste” in a new edition, the program “On improving the ecological culture of the population”, as well as strengthening measures to expand openness and transparency in the activities of state bodies of all systems, in public procurement, to reduce the use of fines by administrative authorities, granting greater powers to the courts.

At the meeting, the party’s representatives noted that they would support the candidacy of Abdushukur Khamzayev in the presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

“The candidate in his election program particularly focuses on one of the current issues – strengthening explanatory work to ensure the environmental safety of our country”, says the Chairman of Nukus City Council of the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan Arukhan Ismaylova. – The program notes the involvement of representatives of state bodies, entrepreneurs, civil society institutions, non-governmental non-profit organizations, mass media, and others in implementing strategies and programs related to solving socio-economic and environmental problems”.

Following the meeting, the Presidential candidate answered the participants’ questions.


Dovud Abibullayev, photos by Maqsad Khabibullayev, UzA