Living with a sense of belonging and responsibility for the future, devotedly serving people is our highest duty
22:36 / 2019-05-07

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Fergana region on May 6-7 to become familiar with the course of reforms carried out on socio-economic development of the regions, major projects and implementation of instructions given earlier.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Fergana region on May 6-7 to become familiar with the course of reforms carried out on socio-economic development of the regions, major projects and implementation of instructions given earlier.

During the visits by the Head of the state to the regions, the development of plans, in accordance with peculiarities of the region, for development of socio-economic sphere and creation of necessary conditions for people to be satisfied with their lives, became a tradition. Visit to Fergana region took place in the same spirit.

On May 6, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, getting acquainted with large projects, paid special attention to development of industry in the districts by attracting foreign direct investment, providing employment, and protecting the interests of women and young people. The results achieved in the region over the past year were thoroughly analyzed, and important tasks of this year were discussed. Relevant directions for ensuring competitiveness for entering the world market, establishing production of export-oriented products in districts with an average level of industrial development, and most importantly – attracting investments, technologies and innovations to the economy have been identified.

On the second day of the visit, Fergana hosted a session with participation of regional officials and public figures, heads of ministries and other government agencies, representatives of the older generation, and entrepreneurs.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev congratulated all those gathered and the entire nation on the start of the month of Ramadan and the upcoming Day of Memory and Honor.

It was noted that in 2018, industrial production in Fergana region grew by 8 percent, the services sector increased by 9 percent, and the volume of investments cashed in multiplied 1.5 times. However, in terms of gross regional product per capita, the region lags far behind the national level, in Kushtepa, Furkat, Altyaryk, Fergana and Yazyavan districts, manufacturing industry has lacked advancement.

In this regard, a new regional investment program for 2019-2020 has been developed, comprising 643 projects worth 26 trillion 401 billion soums. Under this program, it is planned to absorb 2.5 billion dollars of foreign direct investments and create more than 31,000 new jobs.

For example, in Fargona Yasin Qurilish Mollari enterprise in Besharyk district, a project worth 200 million dollars is scheduled to be realized to arrange for the production of 800 thousand tons of cement in the current year and 1.2 million tons from the next year. In Kokand, through the direct investment of Indorama, the Kokand Superphosphate Plant will be modernized with production capacity increasing from 100,000 to 375,000 tons of phosphate fertilizers per year. Shaffoff Omadli Sanoat enterprise in Uchkuprik district, by drawing in 30 million dollars of investments, intends to launch annual production of 350,000 gas cylinders for cars, and starting from 2020, electric forklifts, mini-tractors and other equipment for agriculture.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev instructed corresponding officials to approve and ensure the implementation of the network schedules for the realization of each project included in the program.

“For the entire year, Fergana region should work hard to attract investment, develop industry and entrepreneurship. By May 2020, khokimiyats and involved ministries will report on the implemented activities,” Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

At the meeting, President drew special attention to issues of providing the population with jobs and increasing their income. The Head of the state stressed the necessity of identifying families wishing to start a business within the framework of the program “Every family entrepreneur”, and of ensuring – within two to three months – the allocation of soft loans to a full amount.

Fergana is the land of skilled artisans and farmers. Local traditions of tanning and gardening constitute a ready-made brand. It was noted that it is essential to take advantage of this fact effectively and streamline additional projects for manufacturing leather and footwear products, organize a center for leather and haberdashery goods.

It was reported that in two years, clusters will be organized on vineyards of 3 thousand hectares in Altyaryk district, for pomegranate cultivation on 2 thousand hectares in Kuva district, and for cherry growing on 2 thousand hectares in Kuvasay city. These clusters, along with cultivation of fruits, will purchase them from the population. To do this, households will be delivered 15 million cuttings of grapes, 10 million cherry saplings and 5 million pomegranate bushes. This will help boost the income of the population and bolster the export potential of the region.

It was noted that in the coming years, it is planned to fully specialize Altyaryk district for viticulture, grow vegetables in demand in between the rows in the orchards and vineyards, on recommendations of scientists from research institutions and Tashkent State Agrarian University.

This year, within the framework of “Obod qishloq” (Prosperous village) and “Obod makhalla” (Prosperous neighborhood) programs, 8 thousand houses in makhallas of 45 villages and 15 cities, 327 multi-storey buildings, hundreds of kilometers of roads, water mains and power grids, social facilities will be repaired for 326 billion soums in the region. As a result, living conditions of 212 thousand residents will be improved.

In the cities of Fergana, Kokand, Kuvasay and Margilan, 14 multi-storey affordable houses, 145 multi-storey commercial houses will be built, in the countryside – 252 private and 54 multi-storey affordable houses according to standard designs.

At the meeting, attention was also paid to youth issues. It was noted that in the region there are 970 thousand residents at the age from 7 to 30, to the work of which constant attention is paid. It was emphasized that taking this into account, specific measures were developed to create “Fergana experience” in working with young people.

This year, targeted measures were taken to provide employment for 46 thousand young people. In accordance with the State Program “Yoshlar – Kelajagimiz” (Youth – our future), implementation of 867 projects is envisaged through the allocation of 208 billion soums of soft loans and creation of 7,000 jobs.

The President noted that within the framework of five important initiatives in Fergana region certain work is carried out, and their implementation should become the main task of each khokimiyat and the ministry.

Five important initiatives are our new policy. For their implementation, the Buka district was selected as an experiment. At the end of the year, the khokim of each district will report on implementation of five initiatives. All work within their framework should be carried out within schools. Gyms operating in them, clubs should be put at the disposal of children, young people should go in for sports here, read books, study information technologies, grow as harmoniously developed personalities. With the growth of the economy, increasing attention to the work within the framework of five initiatives, the atmosphere prevailing in our society will change, people will become more confident in their future. This is life issue, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

Participants of the meeting, held in the form of an open dialogue, noted that successive reforms carried out under the leadership of the President in all spheres are reflected in the life of the regions, primarily in the mood of people. At the same time, problems existing in some areas were raised. The Head of the state gave relevant instructions to responsible persons on solving each of them on the spot.

Thereupon, the visit of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to Fergana region ended.