Laws serve for people’s wellbeing
09:35 / 2016-07-28

A round table conversation has been held by the Committee for Legislative and Judicial-Legal Issues of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis (parliament) of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the role of laws and norm-setting legal documents in strengthening the state independence of Uzbekistan.

A round table conversation has been held by the Committee for Legislative and Judicial-Legal Issues of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis (parliament) of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the role of laws and norm-setting legal documents in strengthening the state independence of Uzbekistan.

The chairman of the Committee for Legislative and Judicial-Legal Issues of the parliament’s lower chamber, D.Abduqodirov, and others have said that the supremacy of law is one of the principles of the Uzbek model worked out by the country’s President Islam Karimov.

They also said that a firm legislative basis had been formed in the years of the country’s independent development.

In the blueprint for the further deepening of democratic reforms in the country and civil society development, 46 draft laws are put forward. To date, 34 of them have been adopted and have come into effect.

Laws on making amendments and addenda to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and a number of legislative documents serve to further democratize the state administration and government system , to step up the parliament’s activities relating to the modernization of the country and to raise political parties’ role and influence.

“Every law is adopted with a view to developing the state and society and to ensuring the people’s wellbeing,” says Bunyodjon Eshonqulov, a deputy of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis.

During the round-table conversation, there was an exchange of opinions on increasing the effectiveness of law enforcement and on further raising the Legislative Chamber’s role and importance in increasing the effect of laws being adopted on the process of reforming the socio-political, socio-economic and judicial-legal spheres. Specific legislative documents were inventoried, and proposals were expressed on improving them.