Khorezm welcomes Lazgi International Dance Festival participants and guests
02:57 / 2022-04-27

Following the resolution of the President of Uzbekistan “On the organization and conduction of the Lazgi International Dance Festival” of September 28, 2020, it was established to hold the Lazgi International Dance Festival once every two years in Khiva and an International Scientific and Practical Conference within its framework starting from this year.

Large-scale preparations have been carried out for the festival in Khorezm region. Experienced directors, composers, artists, famous dancers, qualified creative workers of Uzbekistan are involved in its organization.

The participants of the festival, who arrived from different countries, were solemnly met at Urgench International Airport.

“We arrived at this forum from the Altai Krai (region) of Russia”, says Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Irina Minayeva. – I heard that “Lazgi” is a very ancient dance. I saw its performance on the Internet. This is a charming dance with beautiful plasticity. I want to learn about its history. As part of the festival, I will try to learn how to dance “Lazgi” and get acquainted with ancient Khiva.

The festival began on April 26 and will run until April 30.

Exhibitions dedicated to dance art, demonstrations of national costumes, handicrafts, works of fine and applied art, and sculptures will be held in the Ichan Kala complex. A book fair will also take place.

An International Scientific and Practical Conference will be held on “The place of Uzbek National Dance in the World Dance Art”. It will be attended by masters of dance art, musicologists and art historians, famous artists, leading experts and honored guests from foreign countries.

A press conference dedicated to the Lazgi International Dance Festival was held in Khiva.

It was noted that over 175 masters of dance art, professional dance groups, art scholars, well-known representatives of the cultural sphere and media workers from 30 countries are taking part in the festival.

169 people from 18 countries will take part in the upcoming competition within the framework of the festival. The competition will be judged by a jury, which will include 6 experienced, professional specialists.

13 art scholars from 11 countries have arrived in Khiva to attend the International Scientific and Practical Conference.

Celebrations dedicated to the opening of the Lazgi International Dance Festival took place on the Kuhna Ark square in the Ichan Kala complex. They were attended by heads of state and non-state organizations, foreign tourists and representatives of the general public.

The congratulatory message of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the participants of the Lazgi International Dance Festival, which is being held in Khorezm for the first time, was read out.

Then the art part of the festival began. Songs, melodies and dances of representatives of different nationalities and peoples were performed. Following the concert program, the “Lazgi” dance performed by famous artists called everyone to dance. The opening ceremony of the festival has turned into a real celebration of music and art.

Akhmadjon Shokirov, UzA