JSC Thermal Power Plants receives international certificates of anti-bribery 37001:2016 and quality management 9001:2015
16:47 / 2021-12-09

JSC Thermal Power Plants hosted a meeting with representatives of the international certification body Cert International. At the event, the Central Office of JSC Thermal Power Plants was awarded international certificates of anti-bribery ISO 37001:2016 and quality management ISO 9001:2015, JSC Thermal Power Plants Press Service reports.

The issues of combating corruption and quality management are in the focus not only of the enterprises and organizations of the country, but also of the economic interests of the state as a whole. The leadership of the country pays great attention to the introduction of production systems in accordance with international standards in organizations of all sectors of the economy.

JSC Thermal Power Plants was audited by the international certification body Cert International, as a result of which an international certificate ISO 37001:2016 was obtained to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 29, 2020, No.DP-6013 “On additional measures to improve the anti-corruption system in the Republic of Uzbekistan” and the international standard ISO 37001:2016 “Anti-bribery management systems – Requirements with guidance for use”.

Systematic work is being carried out to prevent corruption in the system of JSC Thermal Power Plants. Over the past period, more than 10 internal regulations that meet international requirements for combating corruption, a roadmap to reduce the risk of corruption have been developed. Webinars are held regularly with the participation of managers and staff responsible for improving the system of compliance control in the society, methods of combating corruption.

JSC Thermal Power Plants was audited by the international certification body Cert International and received an international certificate ISO 9001:2015 to ensure the implementation of international standards of quality management systems.

ISO 9001:2015 standard confirms the effectiveness of the work carried out by JSC Thermal Power Plants in the field of quality improvement of work and services, effective operation in the energy market of the country, organization of production activities based on world-recognized mechanisms, ensuring the rational use of available financial, technical and human resources and management system optimization.