Issues of increasing exports discussed
17:58 / 2016-10-18

At the foundation for supporting exports by small business and private entrepreneurship entities, a meeting has taken place with Yerik Utembayev, the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Uzbekistan.

At the foundation for supporting exports by small business and private entrepreneurship entities, a meeting has taken place with Yerik Utembayev, the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Uzbekistan.

It was said at the meeting that close good neighbourly relations and cooperation between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan were being stepped up even further. There was discussion about issues of further developing trade-economic relations, expanding opportunities for entrepreneurs to export their goods and services on the basis of market research and helping them to find reliable economic partners.

The director of the foundation for supporting exports by small business and private entrepreneurship entities, J.Mustafoyev, said that the types and quantity of competitive goods were increasing and that a favourable business climate had been ensured thanks to consistent reforms directed towards encouraging private entrepreneurship and the attraction of foreign investments.

A resolution dated 16 March 2016 of the country’s First President “On measures to further improve the work of the foundation for supporting exports by small business and private entrepreneurship entities” further expanded the work of the foundation.

In the first nine months of this year, the foundation provided more than 2 thousand 100 entities of entrepreneurship with legal, financial and organizational services to export goods and services to external markets. Of them, 286 entrepreneurs carried out 126 million dollars worth of export to Kazakhstan. At the “Mebel i interyer - 2016” international furniture exposition that took place in Almaty in July, representatives of Uzbekistan signed 2 million dollars worth of agreements.

During the meeting, the foundation and its Kazakh partners exchanged views on prospects for the development of mutually advantageous cooperation.