Ipoteka-Bank extends horizons of cooperation
06:00 / 1970-01-01

JSCB Ipoteka-Bank hosted a meeting with participants of business-forum of entrepreneurs of Poland, held in Tashkent. The meeting was attended by representatives of business circles and heads of large industrial companies interested in establishing direct ties with Uzbekistan partners.

JSCB Ipoteka-Bank hosted a meeting with participants of business-forum of entrepreneurs of Poland, held in Tashkent. The meeting was attended by representatives of business circles and heads of large industrial companies interested in establishing direct ties with Uzbekistan partners.

At the meeting, prospects of cooperation were discussed, relevant information in the field of innovative technologies of breeding, cultivation and processing of fish was exchanged.

Representatives of Ipoteka-Bank informed Polish guests about large-scale reforms in banking sector of Uzbekistan, measures taken on liberalizing economy and foreign exchange market, improving business environment, supporting interests of small business and private entrepreneurship.

Representatives of Polish business circles emphasized positive dynamics of economic growth of Uzbekistan, welcomed efforts of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on creating necessary conditions for foreign investors.

It was also noted that Uzbekistan and Poland have accumulated significant experience of fruitful cooperation in various fields. Holding of this meeting in Ipoteka-Bank became a new step for development of another area of cooperation – promoting establishment of relations between entrepreneurs-fish farmers of Uzbekistan and Poland, studying best practices in this field, introducing high-tech industries and implementation of new investment projects, wide exchange of scientific information on aquaculture.

Representatives of Polish business circles expressed their openness and readiness to expand cooperation in this field.

The sides considered possibilities of cooperation in such key areas as attracting investments for implementation of projects on production of feed and processing fish products. The sides also discussed issues of exchanging experience of using equipment at enterprises on processing fish products, control systems and monitoring fish and water parameters, exchanging information on the status and features of development of fish farming and fish market of the two countries.

Following the negotiations, the sides agreed to maintain working contacts, as well as mechanism for monitoring implementation of agreements reached at the meeting.

The sides identified measures aimed at expanding direct contacts between entrepreneurs-fish farmers of the two countries as one of the most important aspects of cooperation.

Particularly, decision was taken to consider options for cooperation between manufacturers of fish-breeding equipment, fish planting material, manufacturers of specialized feed.

It is also envisaged to continue practice of holding meetings and workshops for entrepreneurs-fish farmers of different regions of Uzbekistan organized by JSCB Ipoteka-Bank in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Poland.