International Law Forum has kicked off in Tashkent
20:34 / 2021-04-22

Tashkent hosts the Second International Forum “Tashkent Law Spring”.

The organizer of the two-day event is the Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan. The main partners – the UNDP, the OSCE and other international organizations.

Taking into account the current conditions, this year the forum is being held in a new, so-called hybrid format, with remote participation of foreign guests and direct participation of national experts.

The main theme of the forum is “Law 4.0” (the vision of law in the age of the fourth industrial revolution).

Speaking at the plenary session, the Minister of Justice Ruslanbek Davletov noted that the achievements of scientific and technological progress have affected almost all spheres of modern life, including lawmaking.

“In particular, in Uzbekistan, the use of digital technologies has made it possible to create a unified electronic system for the development and approval of draft normative-legal acts”, the Minister said. – In 2020 alone, more than a thousand projects were approved in electronic form through this system. In the coming decades, the speed of adaptation of lawmaking to new technologies will become a key aspect of ensuring the competitiveness of national jurisdictions”.

It was noted that in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, it is necessary to take a fresh look at legal institutions and consistently adapt traditional legal mechanisms to new realities.

According to the participants, Tashkent Law Spring is intended to become a unique platform for discussing current trends and developing proposals for further development of the law with the participation of leading international and national experts, as well as informing the international community about the legal reforms being implemented in Uzbekistan.

The Ministers of Justice of Uzbekistan and foreign countries, heads of judicial and other state bodies, representatives of international organizations, the world’s leading legal and consulting firms, lawyers, well-known scientists, specialists and experts in the jurisprudence, international law and economics from over 25 countries are attending the forum.

It is planned to hold sessions on the state legal policy, ensuring the openness of the activities of state bodies, LegalTech and LawTech, the system of common (English) law, mediation and arbitration during the restrictions of the coronavirus pandemic, intellectual property protection, state policy implementation, ensuring the independence, fairness and impartiality of the judiciary in the era of digitalization and other current issues.