International Art Festival “Oltin kuz” began in Uzbekistan
18:48 / 2016-10-31

Culture, art and literature enrich the spiritual world of person, bring people closer together. An International Art Festival “Oltin kuz” (“Golden Autumn”), organized by the Ministry of Culture and Sport Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, also serves this purpose.

The festival takes place from October 28 to December 3 in Tashkent, the Republic of Karakalpakstan and in all regions.

This forum of the art, which is held for the first time, comprises the best works of Uzbek national and world art. The performance of creative figures of our country will widely promote the development of music and dramatic arts of our people, foreign masters will perform the works of world classics.

The International Art Festival “Golden Autumn” began on October 28 at the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan with the master-class of well-known pianist, Head of Piano Department of Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music, Professor Juris Kalnciems.

On the same day, the Conservatory hosted a concert of the symphony orchestra with the participation of young soloists Ilva Vera Eygus, Avrora Gehter, Karlis Bukovskis from Switzerland, France, Latvia and the young Uzbek conductor Alibek Kabdurahmonov.

The festival program is extensive and rich. In particular, it is planned master classes with the participation of such famous artists as conductor Vladimir Gorbik, pianist Vladimir Sverdlov-Ashkenazy and violinist Igor Kalnin (Russia), pianists Yuri Gandelsman (Israel) and Sennett Rochelle (USA), as well as concerts together with the creative figures of our country.

Concerts of renowned Italian entertainer Toto Cutugno, as well as the famous Italian opera singer Alessandro Safina, together with the Uzbek National Symphony Orchestra, which will be held at the Palace of International Forums “Uzbekistan” will undoubtedly cause great interest of viewers.

Creative union of artistic collectives of Uzbekistan and folklore-ethnographic ensembles will also organize a number of activities. Ensembles dutarists and “Makom” will give a concert at the Palace of Arts “Turkistan”, folklore and ethnographic collectives - in the regional centers.

The Uzbek National Academic Drama Theatre, the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi, the Academic Russian Drama Theatre of Uzbekistan, the Uzbek State Music Theatre named after Mukimi and the Youth Theatre of Uzbekistan will visit with a tour in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions.

There is no doubt that the International Art Festival “Golden Autumn” will give an unforgettable experience to viewers and all art lovers.