Improvement of Uzbekistan makhallas will continue
16:55 / 2018-12-31

In accordance with Prosperous Neighborhood program, the image of 105 makhallas of Uzbekistan was radically changed.

According to the Republican Council for Coordinating the Activities of Civil Society Institutions, this year, in accordance with “Obod makhalla” (Prosperous neighborhood) program, the image of 105 makhallas of Uzbekistan was radically changed. Within the framework of the program, regional working groups were created in each makhalla. Problems concerning the population were identified. Following the results of the study, roadmaps were developed on improving the social infrastructure in makhallas, implementation of construction and landscaping activities, as well as creating optimal conditions for the population.

In accordance with the resolution of the President of Uzbekistan “On the issues of approval of the main parameters of “Obod makhalla” program and ensuring their implementation” of June 27, 2018, 68 makhallas in Tashkent are planned to be improved. In particular, this year more than 49 million UZS were allocated from the budget and commercial banks for carrying out such activities in 44 makhallas.

Within the framework of the program, construction of 39 multi-storey buildings consisting of 983 apartments for families with low income and in need of social assistance has begun in all districts of the capital. At the same time, 538.1 thousand square meters of roofing of 598 multi-storey buildings were thoroughly repaired. 1 747 entrances, 182 elevators, 627 electric boards were repaired. In addition, 1,130 surveillance cameras are installed around the houses.

Regular events are held on legal, spiritual and educational propaganda. The sanitary condition of 3,123 objects has been improved. 61 534 houses were checked for veterinary status. Appropriate measures were taken on identified problems.

Over the past period, more than 3 thousand volunteers and 180 units of special equipment were involved in ongoing landscaping and construction activities. 2,492 objects without cadastral documents were restructured.

Activities on implementation of state programs will continue in 2019.