“Humo” national payment system to be launched
22:17 / 2019-04-29

In order to develop tourism in Uzbekistan and create favorable conditions for tourists, Asaka Joint-Stock Commercial Bank was one of the first to introduce plastic cards of payment systems MasterCard, UnionPay, UzCard through ATMs or terminals.

In order to develop tourism in Uzbekistan and create favorable conditions for tourists, Asaka Joint-Stock Commercial Bank was one of the first to introduce plastic cards of payment systems MasterCard, UnionPay, UzCard through ATMs or terminals.

Another news from this financial institution: from May this year, ATMs will serve plastic cards of the national payment system “Humo”.

Asaka Bank installed 1,550 terminals of the national payment system “Humo” in Tashkent within the framework of the execution of the resolution of the President of Uzbekistan “On measures for development of the national payment system” of September 19, 2018.

This was discussed at a conference organized at the National Press Center, devoted to issues of further development of the payment system through plastic cards.

To date, 27 branches of Asaka Bank, 16 round-the-clock operating centers, 70 ATMs and 98 info-kiosks serve customers in all regions of the country.

– The number of plastic cards issued by Asaka Bank is 1.8 million, and the number of terminals installed by them exceeds 11 thousand, – said B.Abdurakhmanov, Head of the Card Business Development Department at Asaka Bank. – In order to create convenience for customers and expand the types of remote services, our financial institution also introduced the mobile application “Asaka mobile”. Through this application, one can transfer money from card to card, open online deposit account, make an online conversion operation, repay a loan, pay taxes, Internet and public services. A new service of management of “family cards” through the mobile application “Asaka mobile” is introduced into practice. Thanks to this service, customers can open additional cards for their family members and make payments from their current account within the limits set by themselves.