Holiday preparations are in full swing
20:17 / 2017-08-15

Preparations are being actively conducted for the 26th anniversary of the independence of our country and the XI International Music Festival “Sharq taronalari” in Samarkand.

Preparations are being actively conducted for the 26th anniversary of the independence of our country and the XI International Music Festival “Sharq taronalari” in Samarkand.

The streets of Ibn Sino, Bustonsaroy, Registon, Mirzo Ulugbek, Beruni, the square in front of the university, the Amir Temur square, the park of poets, Registan square and the adjacent territory has especially changed as a result of extensive landscaping activities. Unique beauty of the city’s appearance is given by numerous floral compositions of landscape design, colorful panels and banners, festive illumination, high-flying streams of colored musical fountains.

– The groups formed by the regional khokimiyat are conducting preparation activities for the festival, – said B.Saidaliev, member of the regional staff of the XI International Music Festival “Sharq taronalari”. – Information on this is regularly considered at the meetings of the staff, where further tasks are determined. Groups, members of which are dressed in colorful national costumes, have been prepared. They will meet and see off the guests at Samarkand international airport and at the railway station.

210 young teachers and students of Samarkand state institute of foreign languages will accompany the participants and foreign guests of the festival as guide-interpreters. Tour guides have been prepared for historical and cultural sites, large industrial enterprises, sports complexes and educational institutions. Training seminars are held for tour guides, a special uniform is sewn.

Holiday preparations are in full swing

The group of transport service carried out a technical inspection and checked the readiness of more than 50 cars and minibuses, about 80 buses for participants of the international festival and scientific conference, foreign guests and representatives of the diplomatic corps in our country.

For accommodation of foreign guests, 700 places are prepared in “Registon Plaza”, “Asia Samarkand”, “Bek”, “Zilol Baht”, “Orient Star”, “Arba” hotels. All conditions for providing high-quality, modern services are created in 15 restaurants of the city.

Medical offices with experienced doctors and nurses, provided with everything necessary will be operating in hotels where the participants of the festival will live, and at places where the events will be conducted.

– 1,5 thousand trees from abroad have been planted in the streets of the city, – says member of the city design group Sh. Yuldashev. – Activities have begun on planting two million flowers. The regional branch of the Creative association “Tasviriy oyina” decorated the streets of Samarkand with festive panels, banners and other visual aids. In addition, almost ten structures providing visual information about the history and current day of the country, reforms being carried out in the republic have been installed. Seven large monitors are installed at the intersection of the central streets. Foreign and domestic participants of the festival, in addition to the competition program, will perform concerts on five stages in the parks and squares of the city.

Large-scale activities on landscaping were carried out in Registan square and adjacent territory. Activities are being conducted on organizing exhibitions of products of national crafts, folk and applied arts, oriental sweets and gifts of nature of our land around the amphitheater. And on the main stage of the festival, rehearsals program of the solemn opening ceremony of the international music festival is in full swing.