Holiday gifts for veterans
10:21 / 2016-08-12

A campaign entitled “Strong social security is our main goal” is being conducted in Namangan Region, eastern Uzbekistan, at the initiative of the Uzbekistan People’s Democratic Party.

A campaign entitled “Strong social security is our main goal” is being conducted in Namangan Region, eastern Uzbekistan, at the initiative of the Uzbekistan People’s Democratic Party.

As part of the implementation of the presidential decree dated 2 June this year “On preparations for the 25th anniversary of the state independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan and celebrations of this holiday”, the regional hokimiyat (governorate), the Mahalla charity public foundation, the Nuroniy foundation’s regional sections and other organizations are holding this campaign’s events with the participation of members of the party’s propagation group, deputies of local councils, chairmen of the party’s primary organizations, journalists and young people.

“In implementing a strong social policy, our party is also actively participating like all the other institutions of our country’s civil society. The provision of material and moral support for the population’s sections that are in need of social security is one of the main areas of our party’s programme,” says Dilorom Abdurahimova, chairperson of the Namangan Regional council of the Uzbekistan People’s Democratic Party.

During the campaign conducted in the town of Namangan, active members of the party together with representatives of partner organizations visited the homes of senior people living in the town’s Buston and Ilghor neighbourhoods, congratulated these veterans on the greatest and dearest holiday, that is the country’s independence day, and gave them gifts.

“I have reached the age of 90. Speaking from my extensive life experience, I say that there is no greater blessing for people than freedom, peace and love. I am glad to have lived to see these days. We are immensely grateful to our President for the constant care and attention being given to us, elders,” says Oyshakhon Majidova, a veteran of the public education sphere.

As part of the campaign, various cultural enlightenment events are being arranged under the slogan of“My life, my destiny – my sacred homeland, my beautiful and unique Uzbekistan” at enterprises, organizations and educational establishments.