Golden melodies of the East!
21:17 / 2017-08-24

An exhibition is opened in connection with the XI “Sharq taronalari” International Music Festival in Samarkand state museum of cultural history of Uzbekistan.

An exhibition is opened in connection with the XI “Sharq taronalari” International Music Festival in Samarkand state museum of cultural history of Uzbekistan.

Ancient musical instruments, archaeological finds, documents about the history of the festival, scenic costumes, photographs, as well as various musical instruments that were presented to the museum by ensembles and art collectives, who took part in festivals, are being demonstrated at the exhibition.

– The exhibition organized on the eve of the festival, reflecting the musical culture of our ancestors, the development of art and culture on our land, will be equally interesting to our compatriots and foreign guests, – says the head of department of Samarkand state museum of cultural history of Uzbekistan S.Ruzimurodova. – There are about 200 musical instruments in our museum that were used in the period from the second millennium BC to the present time. Among them, undoubtedly, the most ancient and valuable exhibit is the nay of the second century BC, discovered on the territory of the village of Muminobod in Urgut district. The history of the prestigious art forum is witnessed by scenic decorations, musical instruments used at the first “Sharq taronalari” festivals and photographs.

Golden melodies of the East!

The exhibition also presents scenic costumes of artists who participated in previous festivals and won fame among people. National musical instruments donated to the museum by representatives of the Philippines, Thailand, Italy, Germany and Russia are also of great interest to visitors of the exhibition.

Today cultural and educational events, meetings related to “Sharq taronalari” International Music Festival are held in all areas of Samarkand. The first groups of participants and guests of the international forum of arts are welcomed in Samarkand with hospitality inherent in our people.

On August 25, the main groups of participants of the festival will arrive in Samarkand and in the evening the performances in the selection program will begin on the Registan square. Concert programs will be held in the parks of culture and recreation of the city of Samarkand, amphitheaters and children’s schools of music and art of Pastdargam, Akdarya, Payarik, Samarkand, Jambay districts.