Glorifying Motherland is Great Happiness
14:32 / 2016-07-25

The Rio de Janeiro XXXI Summer Olympic and XV Paralympic Games Send-Off Ceremony of sport delegation of Uzbekistan held in the capital.

The Rio de Janeiro XXXI Summer Olympic and XV Paralympic Games Send-Off Ceremony of sport delegation of Uzbekistan held in the capital.

Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoev noted that large-scale reforms carried out in our country under the leadership of President Islam Karimov in all spheres aimed at the realization of human interests, hopes and aspirations of our people, and especially the education of the owners of our future - the young generation as harmoniously developed personalities, in the spirit of national and universal values. Emphasizing that constant attention that is given by the President of our country to the development and popularization of sport as an important factor in educating the younger generation as physically and spiritually developed, to further enhancement of the credibility of our Motherland in the international arena - yields tangible results. Prime Minister wished our athletes successes at the XXXI Summer Olympic and XV Paralympic Games.

Due to the Independence, our athletes perform at the world sports arenas, on behalf of their country, gaining great victories, in honor of which our national anthem sounds, our flag is raised high. All this gives us a sense of pride.

At the initiative of the Head of our state for the purpose of strengthening the material-technical base of sports facilities, creating a foundation for the development of the sphere in accordance with the requirements of international standards in 2002 was established the Children's Sports Development Fund of Uzbekistan. During this period by the fund were constructed modern, magnificent sports facilities in all regions of our country. Currently, nearly 60 percent of children aged from 6 to 15 years are engaged in sports sections.

In the years of Independence in Uzbekistan Olympic movement has acquired a mass character. Regularly held three-stage sports - competitions “Umid Nihollari”, “Barkamol Avlod” and the Universiade. Received the status of a small Olympiad, these competitions contribute to the identification of talents and skills of thousands of sports-loving young people - have become a great starting point for their entry into the global sport arena.

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The confirmation of the words of President of our country that no one sphere cannot glorify the country so fast as a sport - we have seen in our famous athletes who compete in the name of higher goals, adequately protect the honor of the Motherland in the international arenas, successfully participate in the Olympic and Asian games, World and Continental championships, win great victories.

Evidence of this is the participation of athletes of our country in the XXXI Summer Olympic and XV Paralympic Games to be held in Rio de Janeiro.

The resolution of the President of our country “On preparation of athletes of Uzbekistan for the XXXI summer Olympic and XV Paralympic games of 2016 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)” from February 25, 2013 serves as an important guide to action in a careful, gradual preparation of our athletes for this prestigious competition.

Perspective types of sports were revealed, in which probability of achievements of licenses to Olympic Games and taking high prize-winning places, in detail was explored activity of federations on those types of sports.

New building of the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan was commissioned. Also was organized the specialized center for sporting medical and biological service and sporting psychology for the athletes of Uzbekistan. Athletes take part in organized in our country and abroad, training camps, increase experiences and skills.

Work in this direction is sequentially continued. In the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional centers, Tashkent are created high schools sports skills.

At the event, president of the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan M.Usmanov emphasized that during the years of Independence sport among other areas, dynamically developed.

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Athletes of our country promised that will demonstrate their skills at the Olympic Games and come back with high wins. They note that these victories will become a worthy gift to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of our Motherland.

The resolution of the President of our country “On preparation and participation of athletes of Uzbekistan for the XXXI summer Olympic and XV Paralympic games of 2016 in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)” from July 12, 2016 has played an important role in ensuring a decent participation of our athletes in these prestigious competitions.

If the Olympics in London in 2012 was attended by 63 our athletes, this year, the Olympics will be attended by nearly one hundred Uzbek athletes, reflecting the dynamic growth of professional sports in the last four years. Our athletes will compete in such types of sport as rowing, artistic gymnastics, canoeing, boxing, judo, track-and-field and weightlifting, rhythmic gymnastics, table tennis, swimming, taekwondo (WTF), tennis, trampoline, shooting, freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling. The fact that along with experienced athletes, who are prize-winners of the Olympic Games and World championships, there are a lot of young talents, which will perform at this prestigious competition for the first time - demonstrates increased sports potential of our country.

It is symbolic that the current XXXI Summer Olympic Games held on the eve of the 25th anniversary of Independence of our country. We are proud that, due to the Independence our athletes are formed, in no way inferior to no one in skill and potential can raise high the flag of Uzbekistan in the international arena and to celebrate high victories.

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Our athletes, encouraged by the idea of “My life, my destiny - my native, unique Uzbekistan!”, set a goal - to achieve good results in the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Games and return with the worthy gifts to our very great, dearest holiday.

At the event, the national poet of Uzbekistan S.Sayyid wished success to the sport delegation of Uzbekistan, read new poetry of his.
Concert with the participation of artists gave the athletes a festive mood.

According to the tradition, the sports delegation of Uzbekistan laid flowers to the Monument of Independence and Humanism, the monuments of Amir Temur and Alisher Navoi.

The event, dedicated to the Rio de Janeiro XXXI Summer Olympic and XV Paralympic Games Send-Off of sport delegation of Uzbekistan, was attended by Chairman of the Senate of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan N.Yuldoshev, Speaker of the Legislative Chamber N.Ismoilov.