Friendship festival “Uzbekistan is our common home” in Farghona
07:49 / 2016-08-24

The “Uzbekistan is our common home” friendship festival is being conducted in towns and districts of Farghona Region, eastern Uzbekistan, and it is devoted to the 25th anniversary of Uzbekistan’s independence.

The “Uzbekistan is our common home” friendship festival is being conducted in towns and districts of Farghona Region, eastern Uzbekistan, and it is devoted to the 25th anniversary of Uzbekistan’s independence.

Special attention is being paid under the leadership of the country’s President to ensuring peace and calm and social stability in the country and to further strengthening the climate of inter-ethnic accord, magnanimity and love.

There are representatives of various nationalities and ethnic groups living in peace and harmony in this country, and the idea of the only Motherland is firmly fixed in their hearts, which is of important significance to the country’s development.

Considerable work is being carried out in Farghona Region, too, in the area of ensuring inter-ethnic accord there. All the necessary conditions have been created in this region for all the nationalities and ethnic groups living here to study and develop their language, customs and traditions. Events being arranged in neighbourhoods, various cultural establishments and educational institutions are important factors in further strengthening relations of mutual friendship among nationalities.

At the friendship festival being held under the slogan of “My life, my destiny – my sacred homeland, my beautiful and unique Uzbekistan” attended by representatives of various nationalities, exhibitions are being arranged entitled “Uzbekistan is a multi-ethnic strong family” and “Multi-ethnic and multi-faith Uzbekistan’. This is especially significant in terms of further developing culture and traditions and instilling in young people a feeling of respect for them.

This festival held in Qoshtepa, Oltiariq, Yozyovon and Rishton Districts and the town of Quvasoy gave everyone a festive spirit. An event held in Farghona District’s “Logon” village citizens’ gathering turned into a big festivity.

Amateur artistic teams at the region’s national cultural centres performed melodies, songs and dances, and these left a big impression on everyone.

“The population of our village citizens’ gathering is more than 12 thousand and is comprised of representatives of various nationalities. All of them are friendly to each other, and some of them are in-laws. All of them live in peace and harmony and work conscientiously for the development of our only Motherland – Uzbekistan. Every household is making big preparations for celebrations of our greatest and dearest holiday,” says Bobur Debohnayev, chairman of the “Logon” village citizens’ gathering.