Forty-five agreements were signed at the exhibition “INNOPROM. Central Asia”
23:44 / 2024-05-01

Tashkent hosted the exhibition “INNOPROM. Central Asia”. Many effective contracts, agreements, and cooperation documents were signed at this major event of great importance for the region.

More than 400 companies from Russia, Uzbekistan, Belarus, and China attended the conference, specializing in various production fields, including mechanical engineering, metallurgy, information technology, and energy.

The exposition of Uzbekistan included a collective stand of all regions and the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade. The latest technological developments and finished products were presented.

247 exhibitors represented the Russian exposition, 14 regions showed their collective stands, and another 14 sent delegations with the participation of heads of government bodies.

During the exhibition, 45 agreements were signed to develop trade and production cooperation. As part of the business program, 20 sessions were held. Interregional cooperation has become a vital issue. The heads of the constituent entities of Russia and Uzbekistan spoke about important joint projects. Representatives of the business community and experts discussed ways to implement the announced initiatives.

Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Jamshid Khojayev noted that the exhibition “INNOPROM. Central Asia” has become a traditional and significant event for Russian and Uzbekistan enterprises and the Central Asian region. The area of regional stands increased by 20 percent compared to last year. Over three days, over 10,000 people visited the exhibition.

Dozens of joint projects have been created. In particular, a cooperation agreement was signed by the Russian fertilizer manufacturer PhosAgro, the Tashkent branch of the Russian Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology, and Uzkimyosanoat JSC. They will collaborate to support young scientists, promote the development of basic sciences, and train personnel for the innovative chemical industry.

An agreement on strategic cooperation between the Tashkent State Transport University and ASCON-Integration Solutions came into force to train engineers for automotive enterprises. The parties also reached an agreement on cooperation in digital engineering and the implementation of information modeling technologies in construction.

Also, during the exhibition, documents were signed for the supply of building materials, a gas suction unit, a well pump for the oil and gas industry, and personal protective equipment.


Guzal Sattorova, UzA