Foreign Consultant for the Health Complex
10:43 / 2019-01-08

A signing ceremony of the agreement on involvement of the Belgian consultant by Uzbekistan’s company Asia Tour Elite for implementation of “Zangiata thermal health complex” project took place at the Embassy of Uzbekistan to the Benelux countries.

On January 5, 2019, a signing ceremony of the agreement on involvement of the Belgian consultant by Uzbekistan’s company Asia Tour Elite for implementation of “Zangiata thermal health complex” project took place at the Embassy of Uzbekistan to the Benelux countries, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan reports.

The document was signed by the General Director of Asia Tour Elite Mr.Akmal Kasymov from the Uzbek side, as well as by the Director of Yukon law company Mr.Jean de Brabander from the Belgian side.

The agreement implies that the foreign consultant will facilitate in identifying a major international investor with experience in implementation of such tourist complexes and provide comprehensive services for formulation of an investment Memorandum, as well as for development and maintenance of legal documents.

As noted, the proposed project will become the largest health SPA in Uzbekistan. It is assumed that not only residents of Tashkent region, but also citizens of Kazakhstan and other neighboring countries may use its services. The project includes construction of 400 hotel rooms of sanatorium type, a whole complex of health procedures with provision of both sanatorium and basic medical procedures.

The signing of the mentioned document coincided with the publication of the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan “On additional measures for accelerated development of tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan” and the Resolution “On measures for accelerated development of tourism industry”, which aims to transform tourism into a strategic sector of the economy by diversifying and improving the quality of services, improving tourism and transport infrastructure.

The adoption of documents in the coming years should turn the tourism industry, including medical tourism, into one of the locomotives of comprehensive development of the country and its regions.

According to the Embassy of Uzbekistan, immediately after publication related to adoption of the above-mentioned documents, the diplomatic mission began to receive calls from potential foreign tourists and representatives of travel agencies.