Five Initiatives radically change Buka district
01:53 / 2019-06-02

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with activities carried out in Buka district within the framework of the Five Initiatives.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with activities carried out in Buka district within the framework of the Five Initiatives.

Buka district is chosen as a model for implementation of five important initiatives forwarded by the Head of the state to organize a new system of social and spiritual-enlightenment activity. Large-scale construction and landscaping activity was carried out in Buston, Chavlisoy, Yangikurgon and Rovot makhallas.

The Head of the state visited Youth Park in Buston makhalla. The 2-hectares park offers opportunities for playing volleyball, basketball, table tennis, checkers and chess, amusement rides are set up, there is a dance floor and an Internet cafe. To popularize the reading of books, a public library was opened in the makhalla, capable of serving about 4 thousand readers. The stadium for 450 spectators was reconstructed and transferred to the balance of junior sports school. More than hundred students will play football here.

Five Initiatives radically change Buka district

Before local residents had to get to the district center to undergo a medical diagnosis. Rural family polyclinic No. 7 has been capitally repaired and equipped with necessary equipment. The medical institution, designed to receive 100 patients per day, serves 14 thousand residents of five makhallas. A hospital, a social pharmacy, e-polyclinic system is organized here.

Five Initiatives radically change Buka district

The Head of the state got acquainted with conditions at the polyclinic, visited the sewing shop Buston Baraka Chevarlari LLC, which is opened nearby, and talked with seamstresses.

“I want to see your eyes shining with happiness. If you are happy, then your families are happy too, your children’s worldview expand and spirituality rise”, – the President said.

A beauty salon has been opened in the makhalla. The activity of a kindergarten closed for many years, which, after modern renovation will receive 150 children, has been resumed. The building of the local cinema, built in 1978, was also inactive. Today, 150-seats modern center of culture with cinema, clubs for dancing, playing doira, rubab, piano, visual arts and others are erected in its place.

Five Initiatives radically change Buka district

“Not enough attention was paid to Buka district for many years. We were indebted to its residents. These changes are an example of what leaders can do when there is a desire”, – Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

Five Initiatives radically change Buka district

Five Initiatives radically change Buka district

Five Initiatives radically change Buka district

Five Initiatives radically change Buka district