Felicity of the Bright Days
10:19 / 2015-04-23

An enlightenment event under the slogan “Nobody will be left out of love and care!” has taken place at the Alisher Navoi National Park of Uzbekistan for the participants of the Second World War and labor veterans.

An enlightenment event under the slogan “Nobody will be left out of love and care!” has taken place at the Alisher Navoi National Park of Uzbekistan for the participants of the Second World War and labor veterans.

The festivity was organized by the Tashkent City Hokimiyat (Mayor’s Office) in cooperation with a number of institutions under the motto “Feat, Duty, Firmness” under the aegis of the National Program “Year of Reverence and Care for the Senior Generation” and on the occasion of the Day of Memory and Honor marked May 9. The event left everyone with great impression.

Deputy Hokim of the City of Tashkent – Chairperson of the City Women’s Committee F.Abdurahimova, the First Deputy Chairman of the Nuroniy Fund for the Social Support for Veterans of Uzbekistan Sh.Usmanov and other speakers at the occasion noted that a priority significance is attached in our country under the leadership of President Islam Karimov to human interests, to the display of respect and care for people of senior age, to the creation of worthwhile living conditions for them, to the protection of health and strong social security.

The National Program “Year of Reverence and Care for the Senior Generation” as well as a range of documents adopted to support the participants of the Second World War and the labor front, serve for the further enhancement of the scale of noble endeavors in this field.

Decrees of the President of our country on measures to further reinforce social support for the veterans of 1941-1945 war and labor front, signed 13 October 2014, as well as the one on the encouragement of participants of the war of 1941-1945, inked 6 March 2015, defined new prospects for the manifestation of reverence and esteem for the people of older generation.

In the gracious efforts undertaken on this front, a particular emphasis is placed on the comprehensive use of the rich experience of distinguished aksakals and mothers in bringing up the younger generation. Because their counsels and directions have a tremendous importance in uplifting the spiritual state of young men and women and in fixing firmly the sense of responsibility in their hearts for the peace and calmness in the country and its future.

“I am boundlessly happy to have been awarded with a memorable jubilee medal “Ikkinchi Jahon Urushidagi Ghalabaning 70 Yilligi” (70th Anniversary of the Victory in the World War II)”, says Abdurashid-ota Nurmuhamedov, participant of the Second World War, honorable teacher. “Thanks to conditions and opportunities created in our nation for the people of older generation, I recently improved my health at the Turon Sanatorium. Such respect and care inspire the human being even greater in our age and prolong his/her life. May our harmonious and blissful days be eternal!”

The war veteran Antonina Kolomintseva considers Uzbekistan her Motherland. During the Second World War, Antonina worked as a medical nurse and saved the lives of wounded soldiers.

“Owing to the reforms spearheaded by President Islam Karimov on the way of preserving the peace and calmness in Uzbekistan, representatives of all ethnic groups live in friendship and harmony, as one family, which is widely acknowledged today by the world community,” Antonina Vasilyevna says. “In the postwar years I found my happiness in this country. I made family and became a mother. Today I live surrounded by love and respect in my native Uzbekistan, and I feel the care of my noble people every day. All this is worth the highest gratefulness.”

At the festive event, the war and labor front veterans were solemnly awarded memorable jubilee medals “Ikkinchi Jahon Urushidagi Ghalabaning 70 Yilligi” along with memorable gifts. Participants of the occasion were presented a concert show with the participation of masters of art as well as young musicians.