Federal President of Germany inquired about students researches
23:59 / 2019-05-28

Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier became familiar with activities of Bakan Tex LLC of Yashnabad district, in Tashkent.

Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier became familiar with activities of Bakan Tex LLC of Yashnabad district, in Tashkent.

High-quality cotton yarn is produced at the enterprise equipped with technologies of such German companies as Trützschler, Zensar, Saurer. Currently, over 500 workers are employed here, 60 percent of them are women. The annual production capacity of the enterprise is 14,500 tons. It is noteworthy that the production process is fully automated, the only automatic packaging systems in the country, a vacuum cleaner, and a press for waste are installed. This allows the company to produce environmentally friendly and qualitative products.

Activity at the enterprise is adjusted in three shifts. The work process is coordinated by highly qualified foreign specialists. A branch of the spinning faculty of Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry was opened here. Highly qualified specialists conduct practical training and master classes for students in production of yarn and the use of technological equipment.

Products of the company are in great demand in the global market. Currently, it is exported to the CIS countries, China and Turkey. In 2018, products worth 9.5 million dollars were exported. For the past period of this year, 4,800 tons of yarn from 5,770 tons of cotton fiber were produced, products worth 13 million dollars were exported.

The distinguished guest was shown a video demonstrating the production process, packaging and exporting cotton yarn. Frank-Walter Steinmeier also talked with students of Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, inquired about the educational process and scientific research of students. Wished them success in this matter.

Federal President of Germany inquired about students researches

Federal President of Germany inquired about students researches

Federal President of Germany inquired about students researches

Federal President of Germany inquired about students researches