Fast-paced Uzbek-South Korean cooperation continues to develop
21:24 / 2016-05-20

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea Hwang Kyo-ahn, who is on an official visit to our country, on 20 May in Tashkent.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea Hwang Kyo-ahn, who is on an official visit to our country, on 20 May in Tashkent.

It was distinctively pointed out at the negotiations that the cooperation between our countries have been steadily developing, the scale of mutual relations is expanding in all spheres, based on the agreements, reached during the meetings of the heads of two states. The state visit of the President of our country in May 2015 to the Republic of Korea has elevated bilateral relations to the new level and serves to further strengthen mutual collaboration.

The cooperation of Uzbekistan and South Korea is based on mutual trust and respect, friendship and strategic partnership. Relations between the two countries have been consistently developing on the basis of the Joint declaration on strategic partnership, signed in 2006, and the Joint declaration on further developing and deepening the strategic partnership, adopted in 2014.
A most favored nation regime applies to trade between the two countries. The agreements on trade, promotion and mutual protection of investments, double taxation and preventing income and capital tax avoidance, signed between our countries, serve to develop trade and economic links.

As was noted during the negotiations, the sides are equally interested in further enriching relations between Uzbekistan and South Korea, supporting the dialogue and joint projects of business circles. Construction of the Ustyurt Gas Chemical Complex at the Surgil field is a vivid example of trade, economic and investment cooperation of our countries.
Prime minister of the Republic of Korea Hwang Kyo-ahn underlined that developing cooperation with Uzbekistan is regarded as a priority area in South Korea.

Wide-ranging issues, related to the current state and prospects of Uzbek-South Korean interaction were discussed at the meeting. The parties exchanged views on the issues of enhancing mutual trade-economic and investment cooperation.

On the same day, Prime ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Korea attended the foundation state ceremony for the Korean culture and arts house.

It was noted that this institution will support further strengthening cooperation between our nations in a cultural-humanitarian sphere and friendly relations between our peoples.

In common with representatives of all ethnicities, living in our country, wide opportunities are also created for our compatriots of Korean ethnicity for maintaining their traditions and customs, their enrichment and passing over to future generations. Representatives of Korean ethnicity actively take part in all spheres of socio-political, economic life of our country. This is demonstrated by the fact that they work in the Legislative Chamber and the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, local Councils, management bodies, in all spheres of economic and social life, and around 300 of them have been recognized with state awards.

Construction of the Korean culture and arts house, which is expected to be completed in 2017, will create solid foundation for maintaining rich culture and inimitable arts of the Korean people, their traditions and customs.

– Construction of the Korean culture and arts house in Tashkent at the initiative of President Islam Karimov verifies the high attention and care for representative of Korean ethnicity in Uzbekistan, said Prime minister of the Republic of Korea Hwang Kyo-ahn.– Geographically, our countries are located in a distance from each other, however, they share analogous culture and traditions, common goals. After establishing diplomatic relations between South Korea and Uzbekistan in 1992, the bilateral cooperation has been elevated to high level of strategic partnership in a short period, which delights us.

This facility, apart from strengthening friendly ties between Uzbek and Korean peoples, will have a large significance in steady development of cultural links between our countries.

The Prime minister of the Republic of Korea, accompanied by the Prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, visited the Independence Square and laid flowers to the Monument of Independence and Humanism, a symbol of our freedom, noble aspirations and bright future. The guest highly assessed the wide-scale creative works, carried out under the leadership of President Islam Karimov at the Independence Square.

Hwang Kyo-ahn also visited the State museum of Timurid history and acquainted with rare expositions, revealing the story about the Sohibqiron and his descendants.