Exposition - trade fair of national products of Republic of Tajikistan at Uzexpocentre
10:04 / 2017-10-12

An exposition - trade fair of national products of the Republic of Tajikistan has started its work at the Uzexpocentre. This event was arranged by the Republic of Uzbekistan Ministry of External Trade and the Commerce and Industry Chamber of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the Investment and State Property Management Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of Tajikistan, the Tajikinvest state unitary enterprise and the Commerce and Industry Chamber of Tajikistan.

An exposition - trade fair of national products of the Republic of Tajikistan has started its work at the Uzexpocentre. This event was arranged by the Republic of Uzbekistan Ministry of External Trade and the Commerce and Industry Chamber of Uzbekistan in cooperation with the Investment and State Property Management Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of Tajikistan, the Tajikinvest state unitary enterprise and the Commerce and Industry Chamber of Tajikistan.

Entrepreneurs and representatives of more than 150 companies working in the oil and gas, construction, transport, subsurface resources, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, health care, education, science and technology and tourism sectors of Tajikistan are participating in the exposition – trade fair.

Cooperation between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan is based on friendship, mutual respect and trust.

Exposition - trade fair of national products of Republic of Tajikistan at Uzexpocentre

The two states’ leaders pay special attention to strengthening Uzbekistan-Tajikistan relations. This attention serves the core interests of the two countries’ peoples.

Economic ties between the business circles and the expansion of dialogue in the cultural-humanitarian sphere are of significance to further strengthening friendship and good neighbourliness between the two nations.

At the opening ceremony of the exposition, Adham Ikromov, the chairman of the Commerce and Industry Chamber of Uzbekistan; Fayziddin Qahhorzoda, the chairman of the Investment and State Property Management Committee of Tajikistan; and others said that cooperation between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan indicated the two nations’ striving for strengthening centuries-long relations of good neighbourliness, mutual support and friendship.

Exposition - trade fair of national products of Republic of Tajikistan at Uzexpocentre

It was said that it was in the interests of both countries to expand the mutually advantageous cooperation and to draw up and implement joint projects in the economic sphere.

A national exhibition of products of industrial enterprises of Uzbekistan and a business forum of entrepreneurs of the two states in the city of Dushanbe in April of this year opened a new chapter in the development of their trade-economic relations.

During a visit of an Uzbek delegation to Tajikistan in June, Uzbekistan’s trading house opened in the city of Dushanbe.

“Our country treats the development of cooperation with Uzbekistan with special attention. The purpose of this forum is to extend trade links between businessmen of the two states and to increase trade between them,” says Manzura Rustamova, deputy chairperson of the Commerce and Industry Chamber of Tajikistan.

“We are supplying cement to construction sites in Surhondaryo Region. At this exposition, we desire to find new economic partners and to sign agreements,” says Dilafroz Sherova, the chief of the Chjungtsay mohir tsement LLC.

The Khojand tekstil LLC exports textile products to such states as Russia, Belarus, Turkey and Iran. Through participating in this exposition, the company wants to start exporting its products to the Uzbek market.

“On the world market, there is a great deal of interest in our products made of 100 per cent cotton. At this event, we were able to sign an agreement on implementing joint economic projects with Uzbek textile enterprises,” says the director of the company, Rahim Nabiyev.

As part of the exposition of national products of Tajikistan, a business forum of the two countries’ business circles also took place. It was attended by representatives of Uzbek and Tajik ministries, companies and firms that specialize in working in such spheres as energy, machine building, metals, car manufacturing, transport-logistics, tourism, foodstuffs and clothes production, construction materials and chemicals production.

At the business forum, it was said that the two countries’ trade-economic cooperation was developing rapidly and that a favourable investment climate being created in Uzbekistan and privileges and preferences being granted there were also opening up broad opportunities for Tajik businessmen, too.

During the event, agreements were reached on developing cooperation in the light industry, agriculture, tourism, transport, communications and industrial production sectors.