Expanding the scope of cooperation
12:40 / 2017-09-30

“UzEnergyExpo – 2017” XII international exhibition of power and electrotechnical equipment and “UzStroyExpo – 2017” VII international exhibition of heating and ventilation, water supply systems, furniture and design were held at Uzexpocentre.

“UzEnergyExpo – 2017” XII international exhibition of power and electrotechnical equipment and “UzStroyExpo – 2017” VII international exhibition of heating and ventilation, water supply systems, furniture and design were held at Uzexpocentre.

The exhibitions, organized by “Uzbekenergo” JSC, the Ministry of housing and communal services of Uzbekistan, the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for architecture and construction, “Uzkurilishmateriallari” (construction materials industry) JSC, “Uzmahsusmontajkurilish” (special construction and installation works) JSC and the khokimiyat of the city of Tashkent together with IEG Uzbekistan exhibition company, were attended by more than 60 companies from Belarus, China, Germany, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, Turkey and domestic enterprises.

Expanding the scope of cooperation

Energy and construction industry are one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the economy of Uzbekistan. Effective measures are being taken in our country on their modernization, new opportunities and benefits are offered to local producers focused on production of import-substituting construction, energy equipment and components.

Low and high voltage equipment, cables, insulators, transformers, wiring devices, illuminators, light measuring equipment, protective equipment, control and technical service systems were presented at “UzEnergyExpo – 2017”.

A number of exhibition stands were devoted to renewable energy sources. Solar water heating systems produced at “Quyosh issiqlik energiyasi” Uzbekistan – China joint enterprise in “Jizzakh” FEZ were presented on one of them.

Expanding the scope of cooperation

Domestic and foreign companies offered specialized construction equipment, heating equipment, scaffolding, reinforced concrete products, pavers, metal structures, pipelines and other products at “UzStroyExpo – 2017”. In our country, the scale of creative work is expanding, the demand for modern building materials, including domestic ones, is growing, and the exhibition has demonstrated the expansion of their production.

According to “Uzkurilishmateriallari” JSC, there are more than 6 thousand enterprises that produce construction materials in our country. One of them is “Bektemir metall konstruksiyalari” Uzbek-British joint enterprise, established in accordance with the resolution of the President of our country “On measures of increasing the production of finished export-oriented products based on deep processing of non-ferrous and rare metals for 2016-2020” of May 20, 2016.

Compared with the last year’s exhibition, the number of participants in the construction, finishing, facade, materials and ceramics sections has increased. New construction materials have also appeared among the range of products that were presented here.

The exhibitions contributed to the expansion of cooperation of domestic producers with foreign partners, allowed them to exchange experiences and ideas, familiarize themselves with the latest technologies and developments in the sphere of energy and construction.