Exhibition on 25th anniversary of republican international cultural centre opens
22:48 / 2017-01-24

In the central exhibition hall of the Art Academy of Uzbekistan, an exhibition of works of visual art, photographs and folk art entitled “Uzbekistan is our common home” has opened on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the republican international cultural centre.

In the central exhibition hall of the Art Academy of Uzbekistan, an exhibition of works of visual art, photographs and folk art entitled “Uzbekistan is our common home” has opened on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the republican international cultural centre.

The exhibition was arranged by the republican international cultural centre in cooperation with the Art Academy of Uzbekistan, the Tasviriy Oyna artistic association and the Tashkent house of photography. Its opening ceremony was attended by representatives of national cultural centres, state and public organizations, writes and poets, artistic groups, active people of neighbourhoods and young people.

The chief of the republican international cultural centre, N.Muhammadiyev; the director of the national centre of the Republic of Uzbekistan for human rights, A.Saidov; the chairman of the Art Academy of Uzbekistan, A.Nuriddinov; and others said that large-scale reforms being implemented in this country helped to further strengthen the inter-ethnic accord, religious tolerance, friendship and unity of the people.

At the exhibition, along with works of visual art and photographs depicting national cultural centres working in this country, works of folk art and national clothes were also on display.


“The role of culture and art in strengthening inter-ethnic accord and friendship cannot be overestimated. This event is also a bright example of this good work. At the exhibition, we presented photographs depicting the work of our cultural centre. During the event, we held conversations with representatives of other cultural centres and acquainted ourselves with their work,” says the chairperson of the Kyrgyz cultural centre of Sirdaryo Region, Nodira Jonibekova.

As part of the exhibition, the winners of the 6th republican festival of friendship and culture “Uzbekistan is our common home” were given awards.

A deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, T.Norboyeva, made a speech at the event.