Entrance examinations took place on August 1 in all higher educational institutions of our country
17:31 / 2017-08-02

According to the State testing center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 729 947 applicants have submitted documents to higher educational institutions of our country this year. On the average, 10,9 candidates are applying for one seat.

In accordance with the resolution of the President of our country “On admission to higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017/2018 academic year” of May 5, 2017, a number of new opportunities are envisaged for youth wishing to receive higher education. Thus, the total quotas for admission to higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the preparation of bachelors are set at the amount of 66 316, which is much more than in the previous years.

In addition, it is envisaged to prepare 100 bachelors in Tashkent University of information technologies, 90 in Navoi state mining institute on a contractual basis and 80 in Tashkent institute of railway transport engineers on a contractual basis, in order to ensure in-service education.

Modern information and communication technologies are being consistently introduced into all spheres of our country’s life. Tashkent University of information technologies is the main university of our country in training IT personnel with higher education. Applicants submitted documents for bachelor’s degree studies in the areas of information security, computer engineering, software engineering, telecommunication technologies, television technologies, economics and management in ICT, vocational education, postal communication technology, information and library business. One can also get education in a number of directions at a special extramural department.

This year, an electronic database of entrants was formed in this institution in the process of receiving documents on the basis of biometric passport data and scanning fingerprints, which helped to prevent fraud in the process of admission to examinations, ensuring objectivity and fairness.

– Information and communication technologies, mobile communication are among the most interesting directions of higher education for youth, – said resident of Tashkent Surat Islomov. – My daughter submitted documents to this university. I am sure that the innovations introduced this year will prevent possible violations of the law, will help to ensure the true objectivity of tests.

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The adoption of the resolution of the President of our country on establishment of the Pedagogical University in Chirchik became another practical embodiment of high attention paid to the teacher’s profession.

Tashkent state pedagogical university named after Nizami is one of the leading universities in the country. According to the responsible secretary of the Admission committee of the university Nusratilla Alimkulov, documents of 16 580 young boys and girls were accepted. 1 125 of them can become students according to the established quota of admission. This year, new directions such as Korean philology, Kazakh language and literature are organized. At the same time, young people are showing great interest in primary education, sports and upbringing activities, preschool education, pedagogy and psychology, and English.

– My daughter Mukhlisa has submitted documents for the direction of primary education, – said Mukhabbat Boymirzaeva from Surkhandarya. – The profession of a teacher is honorable and at the same time is very responsible. A serious preparation was carried out for the examinations, which was evident at all stages – from documents reception to testing.

According to the State testing center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 729 947 applicants have submitted documents to higher educational institutions of our country this year. On the average, 10,9 candidates are applying for one seat.

The highest indicator of reception of documents was observed in Surkhandarya region. 48 713 young boys and girls expressed a desire of studying at universities. Termez state university has accepted documents of 36 546 applicants and became the leader among the universities of our country on this indicator.

State governing bodies at places, together with higher educational institutions, prepared 1 080 buildings and 21 765 rooms for conducting examinations. 86 288 teachers were involved as observers in order to establish strict control over the objectivity of testing.

The State testing center held practical seminars for them, on organization of tests at a high level, ensuring their conduction in a spirit of fairness and openness.

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Tashkent medical academy trains qualified specialists in the areas of general medicine, medical pedagogy, medical prevention, higher nursing and medical biology. This year, more than 9,3 thousand entrants have submitted documents for admission to the academy. Last year, this figure was 5 036. Most of all entrants – 5 300 people – want to study at the general medicine faculty.

– A number of innovations have been introduced since 2017/2018 academic year, – said Turdikul Bobomurodov, vice-rector of Tashkent medical academy. – So, the term of training bachelors in the faculties of general medicine and medical pedagogy will be 6 years, medical prevention – 5 years, medical biology – 4 years, higher nursing – 3 years. A new direction is organized in the magistracy – “Environment and human health”. Documents of approximately 5 thousand entrants from Tashkent, Syrdarya, Jizzakh, Kashkadarya, Surkhandarya, Namangan and Fergana regions were accepted for target acceptance quotas. All this serves to increase the efficiency of training qualified medical personnel.

Preparation for the entrance examinations was held at a high organizational level. Tests were held in 6 buildings, which have all the amenities. Special waiting places have been prepared for parents, people who came to support the entrants. The sale of soft drinks was organized at places, cafes and canteens worked.

Test collections were delivered to the buildings where the testing took place at 5 am. Law enforcement officers provided strict control in order to conduct examinations in accordance with the principles of fairness and objectivity. They carefully checked the identity of the entrants, controlled the lack of items that were prohibited from being carried into the classroom. Entrances and exits of buildings and auditoriums were under video surveillance. About 900 teachers of secondary educational schools, professional colleges and universities, attracted as leaders of auditoriums and observers provided openness and transparency of testing.

– Allocation of additional admission quotas for regions to Tashkent medical academy in accordance with the resolution of the head of our state has expanded our possibilities, – says Dilorom Shofayziyeva from Surkhandarya region. – My granddaughter have graduated from Termez medical college and submitted documents to the general medicine faculty. We became very pleased about politeness of members of the Admission committee, their operational activity, conditions created for the youth and parents.

Tests in Tashkent state technical university named after Islam Karimov were conducted at a high level. According to the pro-rector of the University, Orifjon Zaripov, over 17 thousand young boys and girls submitted documents to the faculties of engineering systems, engineering physics, engineering technologies, energy engineering, engineering geology and mining, where students study in 39 directions. Among them – one winner of the competition, 254 entrants with a recommendation from the command of the military unit. 2 455 boys and girls will be accepted for the education.

– After graduating from Angren professional college of coal industry, I submitted documents to the Faculty of power engineering, engineering geology and mining, – said Hasanbek Abdumannopov. – Tests were held at a high organizational level. All conditions were created for us. Unlawful actions were not observed.

Special attention that is paid in our country to the introduction of new technologies in the sphere of road construction and automotive industry, training and professional development of personnel is giving its high results.

In accordance with the decree of the First President of our country “On measures of improving training of personnel in the sphere of design, construction and maintenance of automobile roads” of August 26, 2016 Tashkent automobile and road construction institute was transformed into Tashkent institute of design, construction & maintenance of automobile roads. In accordance with this, the Institute is training bachelors in seven areas – “Professional education (construction and maintenance of automobile roads and structures, automobile transport)”, “Maintenance of automobile transport, road construction machinery and equipment”, “Maintenance of transport facilities (by types of transport facilities)”, “Costing engineering”, “Design and construction of automobile roads, bridges, tunnels, overpasses and airfields”, “Specialist on urban roads and streets”, “Transport logistics (automobile transport)”.

– Approximately 5 470 applicants are applying for 770 places according to the quota of admission, – said Anvar Nazarov, executive secretary of the Admission committee of the institute. – Activities are being conducted on development and implementation of new projects, improvement of the quality of education in our institute in accordance with the Decree of the head of our state Shavkat Mirziyoyev “On measures of further improving the road management system”, the resolution “On measures of implementation of the Program for development of regional automobile roads for 2017-2018”.

163 well-equipped rooms were prepared in order to ensure conduction of tests in accordance with the principles of fairness and openness, creating facilities for applicants. Necessary conditions for parents of the entrants have been created.

In our country, special attention is paid to training specialists in the field of mechanization of agriculture, melioration and water management, maintenance of hydraulic structures, and other areas of agriculture and water management. Specialized higher educational institutions occupy an important place in this process.

In further development of the agrarian sector, an important role is played by close cooperation between the relevant ministry, industry enterprises and institutions of higher and secondary specialized education. On May 24 this year, a resolution of the head of our state “On measures of radically improving the system of training engineering and technical personnel for the agriculture and water management sector” was adopted in order to radically improve the quality of training engineering and technical personnel for agriculture and water resources, further strengthen the material-technical base and scientific-technical potential of profile higher educational institutions, broadly introduce modern pedagogical and information-communication technologies in the educational process, organize system upgrading and retraining of scientific and pedagogical staff and specialists.

In accordance with this resolution, Tashkent institute of irrigation and land reclamation was transformed into Tashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers.

This year, for admission to the bachelor’s degree of the institute, where specialists are trained in 25 directions, documents were accepted from more than 11,6 thousand applicants with an established quota of admission – 1 805 seats.

Responsible secretary of the Admission committee of the institute, Abdurakhim Berdishev noted that 290 rooms had been prepared to provide conduction of tests in accordance with the requirements. Video surveillance cameras were installed there. As a result, parents and close entrants were given the opportunity to observe the progress of testing on monitors installed in waiting areas.

A number of innovations concerning the reception was introduced at Tashkent chemical technology institute. For 2017/2018 academic year, quotas were allocated for targeted training of 840 specialists for the bachelor’s degree and 181 for the magistracy.

According to the information service of the State testing center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, citizens who have served urgent military service and have relevant recommendations of the command of military units will be granted a privilege upon admission to all higher educational institutions of the country for the preparation of bachelors in the form of an additional point of 50 percent from the points they scored by the results of tests.

The process of transformation and renewal that is taking place in the life of our country is finding its embodiment in the sphere of education and upbringing, spirituality and enlightenment. Increasing attention and concern for youth are giving high results in preparation of well-educated and high-potential personnel, development of all spheres in accordance with the time requirement.