Energy Industry is enriched with Generational Capacity
17:37 / 2016-08-24

In Kashkadarya, at the Talimarjan thermal power plant was launched the second combined-cycle gas turbine with capacity of 450 MW.

In Kashkadarya, at the Talimarjan thermal power plant was launched the second combined-cycle gas turbine with capacity of 450 MW.

In the years of independence, at an unprecedented level the economic potential of the Kashkadarya region has been increased. At the initiative of the Head of our state were constructed such modern industrial facilities as the Shurtan Gas-Chemical complex, unitary subsidiary company “Muborakneftgaz”, Dehkanabad potash fertilizer plant, Talimarjan thermal power plant. Such a large modern enterprises, as “Hisorneftgaz”, “Kukdumalokgaz”, “Shurtangazmahsulot” also were created.

Under the leadership of the President of our country in the process of reformation of production of electricity was established a solid legal and economic basis for a broad involvement of foreign investments in the sphere and gradual development of the energy industry. As a result of measures, implemented in the consistent development of the energy sector, Uzbekistan along with the completion of the internal market needs to supply the country with electricity and has taken a worthy place in a number of exporting countries.

In the years of independence, power capacity increased by 1.9 million kilowatt/hours, production than in the mid 90-ies of the last century has increased by almost 10 billion kilowatt/hours.

The Talimarjan TPP involved power-generation units with a capacity of 800 MW. In Navoi TPP was installed a modern combined-cycle gas turbine with capacity of 478 megawatts, within the framework of the implementation of the investment project “Introduction of High Performance Cogeneration Gas Turbine Technology into Tashkent Thermal Power Station” – was installed gas turbine with capacity of 27 megawatts. Within the framework of the implementation of projects on the use of non-traditional and renewable energy sources in the Syrdarya and Talimarjan thermal power plant are mounted installations of expanders-generators.

The launching of 800 MW power-generation unit at the Talimarjan TPP in late 2004 has become one of the largest projects, implemented in our country in the years of independence in the energy sector. It is the largest construction, which is the only one in Central Asia, serves to provide electricity to the southern regions of our country. Construction of the power plant in Kashkadarya region is caused not only by the presence here of gas fields, but also the development of the chemical and petroleum industries.

Based on the resolution of the Head of our state on the primary steps in the implementation of the investment project to expand Talimardjan TPP through construction of two combined cycle gas turbine, each with capacity of 450 MW from July 14, 2010 and March 7, 2013 is scheduled commissioning the first - in August 2016, second power-generation unit - in December. By the main contractor - the South Korean company “Hyundai Engineering and Construction Ltd.” has delivered to date technological equipment for the amount of 313.92 million dollars. Completed installation and commissioning of 1- BHC (Big Hissar Canal) and initiated the transmission of electricity in the system.

In the implementation of construction and installation works along with qualified personnel of the subsidiary “PGU Tupalang” also involved about 500 workers and specialists of such developed countries as Japan, South Korea, and France.

As a result of start-up of 2 units at the Talimarjan TPP will annually produce an additional 7.2 billion kilowatt/hours of electricity.

In accordance with decree of the President of our country, “On the Program of measures for structural reforms, modernization and diversification of production in 2015-2019 years” dated March 4, 2015, is planned foreign investment in Talimarjan Thermal Power Plant Expansion Project with the construction of two additional combined cycle gas turbine each with a capacity of 450 megawatts, project of feasibility study is developed. With full realization of the project production capacity of the plant will be 2600 megawatts, it allow saving more than 1 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year.

Currently, the needs of economy sectors and population of our country in the electricity and cogeneration are fully provided by the power stations of Joint Stock Company “Uzbekenergo”. In 2015, it produced 55.5 billion kilowatt/hours of electricity, in the first half of this year this figure has exceeded 27.27 billion kilowatt/hours.

Engaging 1 – BHC (Big Hissar Canal) at this power plant on the eve of the greatest, the dearest holiday - the 25th anniversary of Independence of our Homeland is a peculiar holiday gift, which will contribute to the organization of many new workplaces.