Empowering Rural Women in Agriculture
16:44 / 2023-10-12

Tashkent hosts a two-day International Forum dedicated to the International Day of Rural Women on “The role of women in ensuring food security and innovative development of agriculture”.

The forum, organized jointly with the United Nations Development Programme, the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Women’s Committee, and the Agrarian Women Association, brings together women from Central Asian countries and Türkiye working in the agricultural sector.

This event has been regularly held in Uzbekistan since October 15, 2019, in connection with the International Day of Rural Women.

At the opening ceremony of the international forum, a video message and greeting from the Chairperson of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Tanzila Narbayeva to the forum participants was heard. Then the Chairperson of the Senate Committee on Women and Gender Equality Malika Kadirkhanova, Chairperson of the Women’s Committee Zulaykho Mahkamova, Deputy Minister of Agriculture Kakhramon Yuldoshev, Deputy Head of Delegation of the European Union in Uzbekistan Mindaugas Kacerauskis, UNDP Resident Representative a.i. in Uzbekistan Anas Qarman and others expressed their opinions and judgments on issues such as the role and participation of women in agriculture, increasing their potential in this area, and expanding women’s opportunities to develop agribusiness.

As noted, today in Uzbekistan, almost 9 million women live in rural areas. Most of them are employed in the agricultural sector. Women head only 6.5 percent of the more than 85 thousand farms in the country. It was noted that this does not correspond to existing potential.

At the forum, opinions and proposals were expressed to further increase the potential of women in the agricultural sector by increasing their role and motivation in this direction.

As part of the forum, it is planned to hold open discussions on the study of the biodiversity of crops and the use of digital technologies in food production, innovative approaches in the production, storage, and primary processing of agricultural products, their sustainable development and adaptation to climate change, rational use of land and water resources. This international conference will become a platform for the mutual exchange of experiences of women active in the agricultural sector, scientists, entrepreneurs, and businesswomen invited from different regions of the country.


Mukhtarama Komilova, photos by Nosir Khaydarov, UzA