Deputies discussed draft laws that have an important role in socio-economic life of the country
06:00 / 1970-01-01

At the regular meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, held on July 14, deputies considered draft laws aimed at deepening reforms implemented in various spheres of socio-economic life of the country.

At the regular meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, held on July 14, deputies considered draft laws aimed at deepening reforms implemented in various spheres of socio-economic life of the country.

First, meetings of factions of political parties and a group of deputies of the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan in the Legislative Chamber were held, during which issues on the agenda of the lower house were previously considered. As a result of discussions of the draft laws, proposals and recommendations on their improvement were developed.

The deputies began their work by considering the draft law “On the state customs service” in new edition, in the first reading. It was noted that in order to further liberalize the customs legislation, increase the country’s investment attractiveness in recent years, as in all spheres and sectors of the country’s economy, the customs service is undergoing important structural changes in simplifying the customs clearance of foreign economic activity.

This draft law defines the norms of strict compliance by the customs authorities with their official duties – compliance with the law, openness and transparency while ensuring the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities. Development and practical implementation of priority areas of increasing the responsibility of customs officials for illegal interference in business activities, violation of the rights of private owners, ensuring transparency and openness of procedures related to implementation of foreign economic activity and development of customs are established on the legal basis.

According to deputies, the adoption of the draft law will serve to improvement of the legal framework of activities of customs bodies, introduction of additional legal mechanisms on effectively ensuring guarantees for reliable protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms, as well as participants of foreign economic activity.

Then, in the first reading, the draft law “On renewable energy sources”, developed and submitted for discussion by a group of deputies from among the members of the Committee of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis on the Issues of Ecology and Environmental Protection was considered.

As it was noted, at present fossil fuels – coal, oil, natural gas and uranium are the basis of the world energy balance. However, their reserves decline year by year as they are extracted and used. In connection with accelerated rates of economic development, population growth and the traditional way of energy supply, the consumption of energy resources also increases. In developed foreign countries, the shortage of hydrocarbon raw materials and the change in prices for it have led to a trend of rapid growth in the use of renewable energy sources (RES).

Recently, a number of measures have been implemented in the country on implementation of practical work in this direction. Deputies emphasized that in Uzbekistan, where the economy and industry are developing at an accelerated pace, the very time demands the adoption of a law that will serve as a legal basis for the development of this sphere.

The purpose of development of the draft law is systemic consolidation of priority areas and a set of measures of the state policy in the use of renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency in economic sectors, social sphere, diversifying of fuel and energy balance, strengthening energy security of the country, reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the framework of implementation of tasks on sustainable development of the country.

The draft law provides for legal regulation of measures of state support and stimulation of the use of renewable energy sources, definition of the legal basis for public administration in the field of using renewable energy sources.

According to deputies, the adoption of the draft law will serve to implementation of priority areas of energy efficiency improvement in the economic and social spheres outlined in the Action Strategy, further development of renewable energy in 2017-2021.

The Social Democratic Party “Adolat” in its pre-election program identified the development of innovative technologies, in particular renewable energy, among the main goals. Therefore, members of the faction of this party criticized the issue, showed perseverance and pointed to the need for a serious revision of the project. Unlike the proposals forwarded by factions of other parties, they emphasized the need to finalize a number of norms and provisions of the document with participation of a wide range of specialists, while preserving the conceptual goals of the project and introducing it for the second reading.

In terms of work on this draft law, members of the faction of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan paid attention to the need for conducting scientifically sound research on tasks and problems that can arise with the adoption of the law. According to members of the faction, in the early years there will be a need to import from abroad technologies and equipment for construction of renewable energy sources.

With a decrease in the volume of natural resources, mankind uses various types of energy, including solar energy. Innovations in this direction require study on a deep scientific basis, while it should be provided not to exceed the cost of the final product – for the energy that people must pay. In this regard, the need for providing by initiators of the project of substantiated explanations on this issue before its discussion in subsequent readings was noted.

After active, lively disputes and discussions of factions of political parties, both draft laws were adopted in the first reading, responsible committees were tasked to prepare the draft law for the second reading, taking into account the opinions and proposals outlined in the discussions.

Other issues included in the mandate of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis were also considered at the meeting.

Press Service of the Legislative Chamber
of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan