Delegation of Uzbekistan visits China
06:00 / 1970-01-01

Representatives of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Tashkent city administration and Development Strategy Center are visiting China these days.

Representatives of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Tashkent city administration and Development Strategy Center are visiting China these days. The visit is organized by the Development Strategy Center in cooperation with the Regional Office of Huawei Company in Central Asia and Caucasus.

As it is known, within the framework of the execution of the State Program on implementation of the Action Strategy in the “Year of supporting active entrepreneurship, innovative ideas and technologies”, it is planned to organize modern production facilities and engineering communication infrastructures in the regions. In particular, it is planned to develop normative legal documents, including such concepts as “Smart City”, “Smart Makhalla”, “Smart House” and “Smart Khokimiyat”.

Delegation of Uzbekistan visits China

The purpose of the trip is to visit the headquarters of Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, exchange experience and become familiarized with new innovative technologies that can later be applied in the digital transformation of society and state bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The program of the trip includes the visit to the command center of police stations in Suzhou and Shenzhen cities within the framework of the “Safe City” project, acquaintance with Huawei solutions in such areas as urban development and development of territories, using ICT in housing and communal services based on the “Smart City” concept. The delegation will be presented the company’s capabilities in managing emergency cases, processing and storing large data based on cloud computing.

Delegation of Uzbekistan visits China

According to the Development Strategy Center, on the first day of the visit, Akmal Burkhanov, Executive Director of the DSC met the Director of Shanghai Association for Friendship and representatives of Shanghai Municipal Foreign Affairs Office. They highly estimated the positive changes implemented in Uzbekistan, and noted that they watch with high interest the reforms being carried out in the country within the Strategy of Actions. Following the meetings, the sides agreed to find the ways for further cooperation.

At the same day, DSC representatives met the Secretary General of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. The sides exchanged views on growing cooperation between the two countries and with the aim of strengthening the ties, the host side invited the representatives of Uzbekistan Development Strategy Center to take part in training sessions organized for think tank specialists.