Contest of Young Rescuers
10:02 / 2015-06-02

The final round of the national competition among school clubs “Young Rescuer” has taken place at the Higher Technical School of Fire Safety of Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Interior.

The final round of the national competition among school clubs “Young Rescuer” has taken place at the Higher Technical School of Fire Safety of Uzbekistan’s Ministry of Interior.

The contest was organized by the ministries of Emergency Situations as well as of Public Education, along with the Center for Secondary Special and Professional Education, the Central Council of the Kamolot Youth Social Movement.

Speaking at the event, the Minister of Emergency Situations Tursinkhan Khudaibergenov and others noted that an effectively functioning system has been created in our country under the leadership of President Islam Karimov for the prevention and minimization of consequences of various emergency situations. One of its most critical components has been the program of training the population, especially the representatives of the growing generation, for actions under emergencies.

The “Young Rescuer” clubs operate currently in all general education schools, academic lyceums and professional colleges. They serve for training the children in first aid, for them to get familiar with skills of alpinism and rock climbing, and other physical exercises.

918 teams from professional training colleges and academic lyceums along with more than two thousand squads from general education schools took part in the qualifying stages of the competition. 14 teams from the Republic of Karakalpakstan, all the regions and the city of Tashkent got to the finals.

As part of the contest program, participants demonstrated their physical training state, answered specialized questions and displayed skills of providing first pre-doctoral medical aid.

The team of the general education school no.58 of the city of Tashkent proved second to no one. Participants from the general education school no.37 of Kurgantepa District, Andijan Region, followed the victors, while the contestants from the general education school no.13 of the city of Navoi came third.

“We wanted triumph, only victory,” M.Saidova, captain of the team of Tashkent-based general education school no.58, said in an interview. “We have been well into the sports, reading specialized literature and studied the techniques of pre-doctoral medical aid. Help for each other, the team spirit and the good mood allowed us to show the best results.”