Contest of enterprising youths
09:41 / 2016-07-11

The regional stage of the contest for the Enterprising Student – 2016 scholarship, conducted by the movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen – the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Uzbekistan’s independence has taken place in Samarqand.

The regional stage of the contest for the Enterprising Student – 2016 scholarship, conducted by the movement of entrepreneurs and businessmen – the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Uzbekistan’s independence has taken place in Samarqand.

About 60 lads and girls selected at district and town stages of the contest being conducted under the slogan of “My contribution to independence” displayed their entrepreneurial and business acumen, their ability to use modern information and computer technologies and leadership qualities.

“Our party is also actively participating in the process of implementing consistent reforms for the development of small business and private entrepreneurship under the leadership of our country’s President,” says the chief of the executive apparatus of the Samarqand Regional council of the the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, Ilhom Botirov.

During the contest that has been conducted since 2004, 31 participants from Samarqand Region were awarded the Enterprising Student scholarship.

More than 5000 participants in the contest are engaged in entrepreneurship, farming and craftsmanship today.

Participants in the contest showed their products and handicraft and presented business plans and projects. They got thorough knowledge of the country’s favourable business climate, reforms being implemented to support entrepreneurship as well as specialists’ recommendations on introducing their projects and initiatives into industry.

A student of the Oqdaryo vocational college of services, Bahodir Rakhmatov; a student of the Bulungur vocational college of national handicraft, Mojizakhon Khoshimova; and a student of the Samarqand vocational college of national handicraft, Akobir Kamolov, took first place and obtained the right to participate in the republican stage of the contest.