“Choice of the Year – 2020”
14:44 / 2021-01-09

Uzbekistan National News Agency has held a contest “Choice of the Year”.

The competition is held among state and economic management bodies, public organizations that have demonstrated transparency and openness in the activities of the system, have achieved significant success in working with people, and those whose activities were more often covered in the media. The Agency is holding the “Choice of the Year” competition for the second time.

Winners of the competition were identified based on the results of a public survey, recognition of journalists and bloggers in such nominations as “The most exemplary region”, “The most exemplary ministry”, “The most exemplary state and public organization”, “The most exemplary district”. Winners in additional incentive nominations have been also announced.

Here is a list of “Choice of the Year – 2020” winners.

“Most exemplary district and city of 2020”

1st place – Fergana

2nd place – Uchtepa district

3rd place – Payaryk district

“Most exemplary ministry of 2020”

1st place – Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2nd place – Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2nd place – Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan

3rd place – Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan

“Most exemplary region of 2020”

1st place – Samarkand region

2nd place – Syrdarya region

3rd place – Kashkadarya region

“Most exemplary government organization of 2020”

1st place – the Agency for Public Services under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2nd place – State Inspectorate for Supervision of the Quality of Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2nd place – State Committee for Veterinary Medicine and Livestock Development

3rd place – Uzarchive Agency

“Most active Press Secretary of the Year”

1st place – Head of the Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan Furkat Sanayev

2nd place – Press Secretary of the Hokim of Tashkent region – Advisor on Information Policy Bekhzod Kabulov

3rd place – Head of the Information Service of the Ministry of Preschool Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mavluda Askarkhodjayeva

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“Most active public organization of 2020”

Federation of Societies for the Protection of Consumer Rights of Uzbekistan – “For the effective coordination of volunteer activities during the pandemic”

Agency for Youth Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan – “Innovation of the Year”

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan – “Reforming the registration system”

Uzbekkino National Agency – “The best organizer of outreach events in 2020”

“Most active party of 2020”

Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan

“Most socially active citizen of 2020”

Akida Abidovna Makhirova (Akida Khanum)

“Most exemplary enterprise in the oil and gas industry of 2020”


“Organization with the largest number of publications in foreign publications” in 2020

Uzhydroloyiha Joint Stock Company

“Best partner of Uzbekistan National News Agency”

Uzstandard Agency

“Bank – the most active participant in government programs in 2020"

Qishloq Qurilish Bank Joint-Stock Commercial Bank

“Most transparent bank close to people in 2020”

Microcreditbank Joint-Stock Commercial Bank

“The bank that most actively collaborated with the media in 2020”

Agrobank Joint-Stock Commercial Bank

“The bank that won the people’s trust in 2020”

Uzsanoatqurilishbank Joint-Stock Commercial Bank

“Private bank providing high-quality customer service”

Trustbank Private Commercial Bank

“Heroes of the Year”

Doctors who died during the pandemic

“Person of the Year – 2020” – Person of the Year in Uzbekistan

Rasul Kusherbayev, Deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan