Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Famous Poetess Zulfiya
22:08 / 2015-02-28

An event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of famous poetess Zulfiya held at Turkiston Palace.

An event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of famous poetess Zulfiya held at Turkiston Palace.

Creativity of Zulfiya, permeated with the breath of spring, with a sense of love for nature, life and for people. Her poems sing about love to the Motherland, hardworking and selfless people, the theme of respect for the women.

Wide celebration of the 100th anniversary of the poetess serves to such noble goals as enhancing the spirituality of the younger generation, education of youth in the spirit of patriotism and respect for national traditions, growing interest in literature.

A solemn literary evening dedicated to the 100th anniversary of poetess Zulfiya took place at Turkiston Palace on February 27.

The State Advisor to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Kh.Sultonov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chairperson of the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan E.Basitkhanova, Chairman of the Writers Union of Uzbekistan M. Ahmedov, head of the Sirdarya regional branch of the Writers Union of Uzbekistan H.Ortiqboyeva and others noted that the attention and care paid in our country to the creative people create the basis for the development of literature, art, culture, spirituality, science, education of the generation with new thinking and worldview, inspiration of creative people to new developments.

In our country, instituted the State prize named after Zulfiya, every year on the eve of the International Women's Day on 8 March this prize is awarded to the talented girls who have achieved success in the field of literature, science, education, culture and art.

Publishing of a collection of her selected works "Saylanma", translated into English and Karakalpak languages, become a great gift for readers. In the book "Zulfiya zamondoshlari xotirasida" collected memories and valuable thoughts of literary scholars, scientists, writers, poets and critics about the poetess.

Performance of "Xotiram siniqlari" based on the works of the poetess staged with the support of the Women's Committee of Uzbekistan and a number of partner organizations. A special web site dedicated to her creative heritage began to operate.

Zulfiya’s daughter-in-law Rioya Olimjonova expressed gratitude for an infinite attention being paid in our country to the figures of literature, culture and art, the work on studying and promoting the heritage of the classics of national literature.

A concert program with the participation of singers and young performers beautified the evening.