Both on earth and in space
06:00 / 1970-01-01

“Being literate is fashionable” is the motto of the education campaign “Total dictation”, held in Tashkent, Namangan and in more than 1000 cities all over the world.

“Being literate is fashionable” is the motto of the education campaign “Total dictation”, held in Tashkent, Namangan and in more than 1000 cities all over the world.

This is a public project, organized by activists and volunteers since 2004, where anyone can participate, regardless of age, sex, education, religion, profession, marital status, interests and political views. Its objectives are uniting all those who can or want to write and speak Russian, providing opportunities for participants to check the knowledge of the Russian language, awakening interest in increasing literacy.

This year, the dictation was written in Uzbekistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Abkhazia, Georgia, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan and other countries. The campaign united hundreds of cities of the world, six continents of the planet and two hundred thousand people. The coordinator of the campaign in Tashkent, Deputy Chairman of the Russian Cultural Center of Uzbekistan Natalia Nikolskaya notes that cosmonauts Anton Shkaplerov and Oleg Artemyev, who are on the ISS, also participated in the campaign, as well as mountaineers in Dombay mountains, participants from Qatar, Costa Rica, Panama, Hungary, Syria wrote the dictation for the first time. In total, 76 countries and 1021 cities joined this campaign this year.

– You could join this even online, – says N.Nikolskaya, – since a special website has been created. More countries and participants are joining the campaign every year.

Representatives of Uzbekistan participated in the “Total dictation” for the fourth time. There were people of absolutely different ages and nationalities among the more than 260 participants gathered only in the auditoriums of Tashkent branch of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.Gubkin. Nearly 70 people in Namangan also joined the campaign and checked their literacy.

The author of the text of the total dictation of 2018 is the Russian writer Guzel Yakhina – the author of the novel “Zuleikha opens her eyes”, for which she received the “Big Book” and “Book of the Year” awards. Since the whole world is divided into three time zones, fragment of the author’s text was intended for each.

In Tashkent, the excerpt titled “The Day” was not easy to write, especially regarding punctuation. Sentences were long, with an abundance of participial and adverbials.

The event was held according to the same centrally developed scenario, certain criteria for checking and evaluating works were also developed for verification commissions, in advance.

How participants of the dictation coped with the dictation will be known very soon. And the one who wrote excellent will receive a dictionary as a gift.