“Best Project of Young Women-Entrepreneur” Awards Ceremony held in Tashkent
11:31 / 2016-10-27

The Awards Ceremony of winners of the Republican stage of the competition “Best project of the young women-entrepreneur” held at the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater.

The Awards Ceremony of winners of the Republican stage of the competition “Best project of the young women-entrepreneur” held at the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater.

The event with participation of the representatives of ministries, government and public organizations, mass media was organized by the Women's Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the Central Bank of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Labour, the Republican Center of secondary specialized and professional education, the Public Youth Movement “Kamolot”, the “Tadbirkor Ayol” association and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan.

To date, 45 per cent of working in various spheres of our economy are women. In the years of independence, 14 women have been awarded with the highest award of the Motherland - the title O'zbekiston Qahramoni (Hero of Uzbekistan). Thousands of women and girls realize their potential in the field of handicrafts, entrepreneurship, making a worthy contribution to the development of the family and the country.

In our country, special attention is paid to the development of entrepreneurship, including women entrepreneurship. Women entrepreneurs have allocated loans worth about 1 trillion 300 billion soums. With assistance of women's committees and partner-organizations about 183 thousand young women who have graduated from vocational colleges this year are provided employment. About 2.5 thousand young women, who have expressed a desire to engage in entrepreneurial activity, receive loans.

The decree, signed by the Acting President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev “On additional measures to ensure the accelerated development of entrepreneurial activity, comprehensive protection of private property and substantial improvement of business climate” from October 5, 2016, strengthens the legal framework for the effective activity of small business and private entrepreneurship in our country in particular, it contributes to the expansion of opportunities in this sector for female graduates of professional colleges.

The competition “Best project of the young women-entrepreneur” conducted within the framework of execution of the State program “Year of Healthy Mother and Child” allows to the wide involvement of women in entrepreneurship, provide them with full support, and contributes to the implementation of perspective initiatives and projects, exchange of experience.

The regional stage of the competition was attended by more than 4.5 thousand young women in directions such as “Best project in the sphere of production,” “Best project in the field of service,” “Best project in the field of agriculture”. Highly evaluated 82 projects were presented at the republican stage of the competition.

Recognized winners of the competition in the nomination “Best project in the field of production,” “Best project in the field of service,” “Best project in agriculture” female participants were awarded with diplomas, certificates of commercial banks and gifts.

Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan, Chairperson of the Women's Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan E.Basithanova took part in the event.