Benefits of the new system
21:53 / 2018-09-05

A meeting on organized cotton harvesting 2018 was held under the chairmanship of Prime Minister A.Aripov at the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

A meeting on organized cotton harvesting 2018 was held under the chairmanship of Prime Minister A.Aripov at the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It was attended by heads of ministries and agencies, representatives of relevant organizations.

It was noted that more than 26 thousand units of cotton pickers, which will attract more than 2 million cotton pickers, will be formed this year. Anyone can take part in cotton harvesting at the expense of vacation. At the same time, they will be attached to a certain unit, an employment contract will be signed, and they will receive full payment for their work.

Farms that will harvest for the state needs over the norm established in the contract agreement will be paid a surcharge of 15 percent of the purchase price of raw cotton.

It was emphasized that involvement of youth under the age of 18, students of general education schools and other education institutions, as well as teachers and medical workers in the process of picking cotton, is strictly prohibited. Forced involvement of the population in harvesting is also prohibited. Appropriate penalties will be taken if such cases are identified. Provision of cotton pickers with lunch, drinking water, their transportation will be carried out by farms.

During the harvesting season, representatives from the Cabinet of Ministers will also be attached, who will be sent to certain regions. They will monitor the creation of working conditions at places, provide methodological explanations and consultations, study the timely and transparent fulfillment of the assigned tasks. Attached prosecutors will work to prevent forced labor, protect the interests of farmers and cotton pickers.

The Prime Minister noted the need for systematic and organized conduction of this work, changing the consciousness and approach of people to this process, as well as the important role of the mass media in promptly informing about cases of violation of the established order.