Beeline takes an active part in Jizzakh’s school modernization
11:41 / 2021-02-11

Beeline Uzbekistan contributed to the renovation of secondary school No. 8 in Jizzakh. The school was equipped with modern technologies at no cost.

The company has invested in the purchase of new IT equipment and computers over 700 million so'ms. 

The main goal of this aid is to create the conditions for high-quality school education and for discovering the potential of each student, preparing schoolchildren for life in a high-tech world.

Public officials from government institutions attended the opening ceremony of the school. There were officials from the Ministry of Public Education and the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications,  Hokim of Jizzakh region, representatives of specialized agencies and institutions, employees of Beeline Uzbekistan.

The reconstruction of school No.8, which was established in 1984, began on December 7, 2020, according to the Presidential Decree of October 6, 2020. 

As the participants noted in their speeches, large-scale activity was carried out here over the past months. Now, this educational organization has a specialized school with an in-depth study of computer science and information technology. Schools of this type are planned to be opened in other districts of the region soon.

“Our company has many projects in various fields. However, we attach great importance to projects of high social significance, which improve the living conditions of citizens”, says Sardor Mukhamedaliev, Chief Government Relations Officer, Beeline Uzbekistan. 

“We support many social projects not only in Uzbekistan but also in other countries over the world, where the VEON Group of Companies operates.

We are glad that we have contributed to the modern renewal of this school, where, soon, talented people will grow up, who, I am sure, will become in-demand specialists in many areas of our society.

This is a good base for the younger generation of Jizzakh region to reach new heights.

This is particularly relevant in 2021, which was declared by the President of Uzbekistan as the Year of Supporting Youth and Improving Population Health.

VEON Group of Companies supports the initiative of the head of state and is ready to assist in the implementation of programs and projects in these areas”, Mr. Sardor Mukhamedaliev added.

Based on the former school’s classrooms, the renovated school now has bright and spacious computer classes, computer science and robotics rooms, eSports rooms, where students will be able to engage in local information developments, learn IT, information security, work with Big data, and learn a lot of new and interesting things. 

Modern classrooms are equipped with interactive touch boards and screens. New computers are connected to the Internet. Each element of the classrooms is carefully thought out and designed to be absolutely safe, as efficient as possible and extremely reliable.

The grateful review from the management of school No. 8 in Jizzakh confirms the considerable merit and professional approach of Beeline Uzbekistan’s team in solving the assigned task and goals.

“When we found out that Beeline would help the school, we were very happy. We know that the company is one of the leading international companies in our country.

It was a rich and productive partnership: the company’s employees came here every day and were interested in how the work process was going, studied and resolved issues on the spot, and promptly responded to all the changes.

All these opportunities will expand the life experience of students, enrich their spiritual world, and build self-confidence. We are grateful to Beeline for the support and sponsorship!” says Dilshod Muhammadiyev, the school Director. 

The students of the school are also cheerful.

Abdulhamid Majitov (5th-year student): “I am interested in computer science. I am glad that now every class of the school has new modern computers. Now we are learning various computer programs, acquiring useful skills. Our school has all the conditions for us to study well. In the future, I want to study programming and, someday, I hope to create a new program to facilitate complex operations in medicine in Uzbekistan”.

At the opening ceremony of the school, Beeline Uzbekistan also presented memorable gifts to the winners of the megaproject “One Million Programmers”, which awarded teachers who entered the Top 100 of this project, holders of Nanodegree grants, as well as students who showed the highest results when entering a specialized school.

In the future, Beeline plans to maintain close relations with this school. The company is ready to share its long-term international experience in the telecommunications and IT spheres. Besides, Beeline Uzbekistan has plans to invite school graduates to employment practice.

Another good news – Beeline Uzbekistan announced the launch of a campaign for new users of mobile tariff plans «Ustoz Start» and «Ustoz Profi», especially for teachers of Jizzakh region. From February 12 to March 12, 2021, during the campaign, educational employees of the region will receive an additional 5 GB for 30 days, as well as a 100% discount on the purchase of a “golden” number with a face value of 210,500 so'ms from Beeline.

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Unitel LLC has been providing services under the Beeline Uzbekistan trademark since September 12, 2006. Beeline Uzbekistan is a part of the international telecommunications holding company VEON, headquartered in Amsterdam (the Netherlands).

VEON is a global telecommunication services provider with over 212 million subscribers in 9 countries. Shares of the company are listed on the NASDAQ and Euronext Amsterdam stock markets.

Beeline Uzbekistan employs more than 1.7 thousand employees. Since 2006, VEON has invested more than $1.2 billion in the country's telecommunications industry since entering the Uzbek market.

During its activity under the Beeline TM in Uzbekistan, total taxes paid exceeded $1.8 billion.

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