An important step towards cooperation
10:31 / 2019-05-13

On May 13, the 4th China – Central Asia Cooperation Forum kicked off in the city of Jinan, Shandong province, the People’s Republic of China.

On May 13, the 4th China – Central Asia Cooperation Forum kicked off in the city of Jinan, Shandong province, the People’s Republic of China.

The event is attended by media representatives from the CIS countries, including from Uzbekistan, within the framework of the project of the press center “China – Eurasia”.

At the opening ceremony of the event, Vice Mayor of Jinan Li Zijun noted that the forum is held to develop further joint cooperation within the framework of Belt and Road project.

Member of the Committee of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Political Consultative Conference of China of the 13th convocation, the Vice President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Permanent Vice Chairman of China – Central Asia Friendship Association Song Jingwu addressed the event.

An important step towards cooperation

– Trade-economic cooperation between China and Central Asian countries is developing at an accelerated pace, – says Song Jingwu. – This forum will serve to strengthen their practical regional cooperation, which is important in interstate relations. The exchange of experience between countries also plays an important role in interregional cooperation, its further development and strengthening.

An important step towards cooperation

At the forum, presentations were made by representatives of various countries, including from Uzbekistan.

– The Republic of Uzbekistan, being in the center of the Central Asian region, has long been an important link on the Great Silk Road, – says the Chairman of the Committee on Interethnic Relations and Friendly Ties with Foreign Countries under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Rustambek Kurbanov. – The Great Silk Road not only connects the history of China and Uzbekistan, but also unites peoples of the two countries. We can say with confidence that friendship between Uzbekistan and China is very strong, and holding the forum will contribute to its strengthening.

An important step towards cooperation

A number of documents are expected to be signed at the forum.

The forum continues.