An entrepreneurial sustainability rating to be introduced
20:59 / 2024-01-15

On January 15, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with a presentation on introducing an entrepreneurial sustainability rating.

The development of entrepreneurship is a priority of Uzbekistan’s economic policy. Business conditions are consistently improving. This Year of Support for Youth and Business will create even more opportunities for entrepreneurs as part of efforts to employ 5 million people. It is planned to allocate 83 trillion UZS and $275 million in loans and subsidies for this.

The proposed rating is intended to become another incentive for entrepreneurial activity. Its importance was discussed during an open dialogue between the Head of state and entrepreneurs, and criteria and principles for this rating were developed.

The rating provides for the division of entrepreneurs into four categories according to 23 criteria, such as duration of activity, level of profitability, payment discipline, participation in employing the population, and wages. The rating will be formed based on data from tax, justice, and judicial authorities. Each entrepreneur can find out their position and assessment in real time.

For entrepreneurs with a high rating, all tax audits will be canceled, the amount of value-added tax will be refunded within one day, and overpayments for other types of taxes will be refunded within three days. The possibility of mutual offset by customs and tax authorities of VAT when importing and selling goods will be created. The deadline for payment of the cost of state property and land acquired at auction will be extended from 3 to 5 years. If you make a one-time down payment of at least 15 percent, annual interest will not accrue on the remaining amount.

The rating is also important because now the activities of entrepreneurs will be assessed not by tax authorities, but by an electronic system. In the future, subsidies, benefits, and preferences will be provided based on the rating. Entrepreneurs will strive to join the ranks of disciplined entrepreneurs and gain more opportunities.

On the other hand, this rating will serve as a protection system, providing entrepreneurs with reliable information about their partners and warning about the risk of dubious transactions and unfair competition. This will serve to reduce the shadow economy.

The Head of state noted the need to study the system and ensure its effectiveness and objectivity carefully.

“Based on entrepreneurs’ proposals, we improve business conditions. A recent resolution canceled 16 licenses and 34 types of reporting. The entrepreneurial class is becoming a leading force in society, and the youth look up to them. Now, through this rating, it is necessary to stimulate law-abidingness, discipline, and initiative among entrepreneurs. In implementing and ensuring the effectiveness of the rating, an important role should belong to the Public Council for Support of Entrepreneurship”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

It has been determined that the “Entrepreneur Sustainability Rating” platform should be launched by March 1. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry will conduct comprehensive work with entrepreneurs to explain the rating possibilities. A transparent system for allocating subsidies, benefits, and preferences will be organized.

The importance of targeted work with low-rated entrepreneurs, helping them intensify and restore their activities, was emphasized.