Ample Opportunities to Boost Cooperation
22:26 / 2015-05-01

A sector-based industrial fair and cooperation exchange has taken place at the Uzexpocenter National Exposition Complex. The event was organized for public utilities sphere, transport, capital construction and building industry, as well as agricultural and water management, reprocessing of agricultural products and consumer goods.

A sector-based industrial fair and cooperation exchange has taken place at the Uzexpocenter National Exposition Complex. The event was organized for public utilities sphere, transport, capital construction and building industry, as well as agricultural and water management, reprocessing of agricultural products and consumer goods.

The events were made possible thanks to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on measures for the organization and conduct of the International Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange in 2015, signed 13 March earlier this year.

It was noted at the opening ceremony of the industrial fair and cooperation exchange that effective measures are undertaken in Uzbekistan to further elevate the competitiveness of the economy, owing primarily to the expansion and enhancement of structural reforms, modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of leading industries, diversification and localization of production, as well as the formation of advanced infrastructure. As a result, as the outcomes of the first quarter of the year 2015 have displayed, the gross domestic product of the country grew by 7.5 percent, volumes of industrial goods production increased by 7.9 percent, and of agricultural products – by 6.3%. Also, the volumes of consumer goods production have multiplied by 11.2 percent, while those of retail turnover grew by 15.2 percent and of services by 13.1%.

Annual sector-based industrial fairs and cooperation exchanges have been rather instrumental in furthering the dynamic and steadfast advancement of our country’s economy, in lowering its dependence on external factors, in accelerating the introduction of new and effective technologies into the production field.


This time around, the one such event that opened at the Uzexpocenter has gathered the enterprises of simultaneously two complexes – the one of public utilities sphere, transport, capital construction and building industry, and the other being agricultural and water management, reprocessing of agricultural products and consumer goods.

According to the directorate of the International Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange, the interest of enterprises in these events has been growing from one year to another. Last year, during the previous sector-based industrial fair and cooperation exchange, around 340 industrial enterprises presented more than 1.9 thousands of types of goods, including 90 kinds of new products launched within the Localization Program. The events were visited by about 4.5 thousand people, among them being 44 representatives of foreign firms and companies. The industrial forum resulted in the conclusion of agreements for the supply of products within industrial cooperation and for exports for a total sum of 139.5 billion soums and 64.7 million dollars.

At the current sector industrial fair and cooperation exchange, over 530 enterprises that are affiliates of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Uzpakhtasanoat Association, the Uzbekcharmpoyabzali Association, enterprises of food industry, the Uzdonmahsulot Stock Company and Uzvinosanoat-Holding Company, Uzbekiston Temir Yullari State Stock Railway Company, Uzbekiston Havo Yullari National Airway Company and others have presented more than three thousand types of industrial products, services and consumer goods.

Especially distinct were the enterprises of leather-footwear industry. More than 70 manufacturers of high quality footwear, leather-fancy goods and products of sporting designation presented over 400 types of merchandise.

“Leather-footwear industry of our country has great prospects,” Shuhrat Aliev, chief specialist of the Uzbekcharmpoyabzali Association, said. “Perfection of manufacturing technologies coupled with the rich raw materials base allow for building up the volumes of production of quality goods and expand its supplies to the internal and external markets. During the last year’s industrial forum we concluded internal-market-oriented agreements for a total of sum of 34.5 million soums, while this time around we intend to reach 46.5 million soums.”


The latest sector-based industrial fair and cooperation exchange has demonstrated the dynamic development of the transport sphere. Uzbekiston Temir Yullari State Stock Railway Company, Uzbekiston Havo Yullari National Airway Company, Toshshahartranskhizmat Stock Company and Uzavtoyul State Stock Company have been able to display the industrial potential of the enterprises associated under them.

For instance, Uztemiryulmashtamir Unitary Enterprise that is part of Uzbekiston Temir Yullari SSRC at the industrial get-together presented services in the capital overhaul of mainline and maneuver diesel locomotives, electric locomotives, freight carriages and those of special designation. Thanks to the participation in sector industrial fairs and cooperation exchanges, the enterprise established cooperation with the Almalyk and Navoi mining complexes, Uzneftegazdobycha Stock Company, Shurtan Gas and Chemical Complex, JV Uzkabel Open Stock Company and many other firms and corporations.

The enterprises of Uzavtoyul SSC, including the Bekabadyulsanoat Industrial Enterprise, Chinozyulindustriya Industrial Enterprise, Uzyulmashservis, Uzyulbutlash and other entities presented new types of products lunched as part of the Localization Program in 2013-2014.


A wide range of goods was displayed by the enterprises of Uzqurilishmateriallari Stock Company, including glass and glass products, gypsum and cardboard sheets, dry construction mixtures, aluminum-plastic composite panels, products from marble and granite, roofing materials and many other things.

According to representatives of Uzqurilishmateriallari, participation in the sector industrial fair and cooperation exchange plays a significant role for the enterprises of the industry. It is reasoned by the fact that 11 projects are planned for implementation in the sphere, among them being the launch of production of activated lime and ferroconcrete slabs and at the Kyzylkumcement Stock Company, sheet glass at the Uz Oyna Ltd, construction of a cement plant in the Republic of Karakalpakstan as well as a creation of a production line of décor materials on the cement basis in Jizzakh Region.

Particularly appealing for participants and visitors of the sector-based industrial fair and cooperation exchange was the stand of the Association of Enterprises of the Food Industry of Uzbekistan. It currently unites more than 180 enterprises that produce fat and oil goods, meats and dairy, canned products, sugar and other food products. In excess of 50 enterprises of the sector expose more than 100 titles of goods, including new types of products such as condensed milk, butter, cheese, curd cheese, yoghurts.

“Our enterprise specializes in the production of margarine and vegetable oil,” said Oybek Yakubov, head of marketing department at Sarbon Baraka Biznes Ltd. “This August we are planning to launch production of new type of product – ice cream. These days have been elaborating the purchase of equipment for a new technological line and we hope that the sector-based industrial fair and cooperation exchange will facilitate their soonest solution.”

It is noteworthy that as part of the industrial forum, the participating enterprises presented their goods and came up with proposals for cooperation, struck deals for the supply and also intentional agreements for the launch of new types of industrial products.