Ambassador of Israel visited Karakalpakstan
06:00 / 1970-01-01

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to Uzbekistan Eduard Shapira visited Karakalpakstan.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to Uzbekistan Eduard Shapira visited Karakalpakstan.

Chairman of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan M.Yerniyazov spoke about activities carried out on development of relations between the two countries in the fields of politics, trade, economy, investment and other areas. Particularly, he noted positive results of joint projects implemented in the field of agriculture.

The Ambassador noted that cooperation on further development of agriculture, tourism, small business and private entrepreneurship, mitigation of environmental problems of the Aral Sea region meets the interests of both sides.

After the meeting, guests visited the UNDP office in Karakalpakstan, got acquainted with activity carried out within the framework of “Strengthening capacity of resilience of the population affected by crisis of the Aral Sea, through creation of a multi-partner fund for human security for the Aral Sea region” program.

This project started in May 2014 and will be implemented until May 2019. The purpose of the project is to improve living conditions of the population of Shumanay, Muynak and Takhtakupir districts of Karakalpakstan, provide employment and improve quality of services.

The Ambassador also became familiar with activities of the center of national crafts, formed at Karakalpakstan Branch of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan. The center was established in 2014 within the framework of the UN program “Sustaining livelihoods affected by the Aral Sea disaster” with the support of UNESCO.

The main objective of the center is to contribute to the improvement of socio-economic life of local population through development of national crafts and tourism, revival and bringing rich cultural heritage of Karakalpakstan to future generations.

The guests also visited Nukus Agro Fish specialized fish-breeding LLC in Nukus district and Panaev farms specialized livestock farm in Karauzak district.