All-Round Advanced Youth of the Great Country
13:25 / 2015-06-21

The talented and socially active youths of the nation’s higher education institutions got together in the capital Tashkent for a Student Festival.

The talented and socially active youths of the nation’s higher education institutions got together in the capital Tashkent for a Student Festival.

Particular emphasis is placed in our country under the leadership of the President to fostering an independently thinking, patriotically motivated, comprehensively advanced generation.

These noble ends are served also by this Student Festival that is organized by the Kamolot Social Youth Movement in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, that of Culture and Sports as well as the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. 

Festival participants first visited the central square of the country and laid flowers to the Monument of Independence and Humanism.

At the opening ceremony that took place in the Palace of Youth Creativity, Chairman of the Central Council of Kamolot Social Youth Movement Bahodir Ghaniev and other speakers noted that this celebration of youth and beauty plays an important role in supporting the initiatives and aspirations of young people.

“It is exactly during their student years that people set the noblest and loftiest goals before themselves, acquire knowledge for life and enjoy every day,” says the coordinator of the Central Council of Kamolot Social Youth Movement Abdulaziz Muminov. “This is why the academic and creative atmosphere of cooperation and friendly ties among young people is so important. The traditional Student Festival helps students get together for the prosperity of the nation, for furthering their research and creative activities, increasing social activity, and initiative in public affairs.”

The festival has a scientific-creative, sociopolitical, spiritual-enlightenment, cultural and sports-health improvement nature. It was held in Samarkand Region in 2008, in Bukhara Region in 2009, and in Khorezm Region in 2013. In the current holiday of youth that is underway in the capital city, more than five hundred students from all the regions of the country are taking part.

The exhibition in the Palace of Youth Creativity reflects the conditions created in higher education institutions, the accomplishments of students in science and education.

“At the festival that took place in Khorezm our team came first in the competition,” Yulduz Babajanova, student of Urgench State University, shares. “That became a stimulus for me personally to conquer new heights. I conduct research on mathematical modeling of the movement of blood in vessels, which will facilitate to boost the effectiveness of early diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. It is pleasant to know that specialists of the sphere have acknowledged the promising nature of my research work. At this exposition I have displayed the initial results of the study. Our duty is to deserve the tremendous care and attention paid by the head of our state to the comprehensive development of younger generation.”

The festival program includes scientific and practical conference “Issues in upbringing a comprehensively advanced generation in Uzbekistan”, a round table discussion on the subject “The role of youth in the development Uz domain”, meeting of youths with representatives of public authorities, as well as the national round of the tournament “Munozara”. The Singapore Institute of Management Development in Tashkent plays host to master classes on diplomatic etiquette, on social networks and proper use of them, on evaluation of one’s own abilities (psychological training), destructive organizations and protection from them, secrets of a successful career.

In addition, participants of the festival have enjoyed an extensive cultural program. They visited the performance of the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater “Do not move away from the native land”, the motion picture “Shunqorlar”, the witty smart contest, the football show “Kamolot Cup”, gala concerts with celebrities, as well as sightseeing excursions around the capital Tashkent.

As part of the Student Festival, a series of projects are undertaken to enrich the knowledge and memories of youth, nurturing them in the spirit of national and universal values. After all, to build a great nation is capable only the young people who have a high intellectual potential and professional level, and who live in the name of the country and the people.