All areas will develop in harmony with environmental principles
14:30 / 2024-10-21

On October 21, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Central Asian University of Environmental Studies and Climate Change – Green University.

Until recently, no single higher education institution specializing in ecology existed in Uzbekistan. The new university, created in accordance with the resolution of the Head of state of May 31, 2023, covers modern environmental areas.

As part of the Uzbekistan 2030 Strategy, the country is taking measures to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This covers 17 well-being objectives in areas such as climate change, clean water and energy, healthcare, education, consumption, and production, the achievement of which largely depends on the availability of qualified personnel. Therefore, the university has opened undergraduate and postgraduate programs in such areas as “Environmental and Sustainable Management”, “Environment and Economics”, “Ecology and Public Administration”, “Sustainable Development”, “Sustainable Finance”, “Environmental Law” and “Environmental Journalism”.

The educational building, designed for 450 students, was overhauled and equipped with modern equipment. The studies are conducted in English, to which teachers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Mexico, and France were attracted.

The President met with the University’s teachers and students.

“Today, ecology is becoming as important as digital technologies. In the future, all areas should develop in harmony with ecology. Therefore, we have opened up environmental economics, finance, and law areas here. It is necessary to expand dual education and quickly implement the acquired knowledge locally”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted. 

The President ordered the organization of technical schools to train mid-level specialists in ecology in Karakalpakstan and each region of the country.

The University has already established an exchange of academic and professional experience with foreign universities, having developed joint educational programs based on integrating science, education, and production.

The University’s modern laboratory attracts students to scientific activities and enhances their experience. The laboratory researches soil, water, biodiversity, and waste, allowing for important scientific conclusions.

The Head of state also inspected the laboratory.

“There is scientific potential and the necessary equipment here. They need to be used effectively. For example, conducting analyses on a contractual basis for areas with difficult soil and water conditions is possible. This will benefit both parties”, the President said.

The university pays special attention to interdisciplinary research, innovative teaching methods, and integrating scientific research and practice. The educational process is built on the “Hub and Spoke” principle, which contributes to creating a holistic learning system, optimizing resources, and increasing the mobility of students and specialists.

For further development of the University, it is planned to reconstruct the buildings of former colleges in Yunusabad district of Tashkent and Bostanlyk district of Tashkent region with their transformation into full-fledged campuses.