Akramjon Nematov: “There has never been such a favorable period as now in the entire history of relations between Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan”
16:51 / 2024-07-09

This was stated by the First Deputy Director of the Institute of Strategic and Regional Studies under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (ISRS), Akramjon Nematov, speaking as a moderator of a session dedicated to political dialogue within the framework of the scientific and practical conference “Uzbekistan – Kyrgyzstan: Synergy of Strategic Partnership”, which took place on July 9 in Tashkent.

The event, organized by the International Institute for Central Asia jointly with the National Institute of Strategic Initiatives under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, was attended by leading think tanks and research institutes, representatives of ministries and agencies of the two countries.

According to Akramjon Nematov, thanks to the strong political will and joint efforts of the leaders of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, political dialogue and trust were strengthened in a short period, and mutually beneficial, constructive, and pragmatic bilateral ties were built.

“Our relations today have reached an unprecedentedly high trajectory of progressive development, have acquired an exemplary character, and can, without exaggeration, serve as an example of interstate interaction”, the expert emphasized.

Akramjon Nematov continued, noting that a high level of mutual trust and a deep awareness of common interests made it possible to find mutually acceptable solutions to sensitive issues that previously seemed deadlocked, such as border delimitation, water management issues, and international transport projects.

At the same time, in his words, a determined attitude remains to bring relations to the level of alliance. “There are no problems in relations between our countries. There are only issues that are resolved based on the principles of mutual benefit, respect, and consideration of mutual interests”, the expert is sure.

The completion of the process of delimitating the Uzbekistan – Kyrgyzstan border, a multiple increase in citizens’ mutual trips, the steady growth of mutual trade turnover, and the launch of industrial cooperation projects were emphasized.

Moreover, as the ISRS representative noted, “At present, the interaction between the two countries in the implementation of transport and energy projects of regional importance is becoming strategically important”.

According to Mr. Nematov, this is evidenced by two historical events that occurred in June this year: the signing of Agreements on the construction of the China – Kyrgyzstan – Uzbekistan railway and on cooperation in the construction of Kambarata HPP-1.

According to the expert, these flagship projects are designed to reform the image of Central Asia.

Summing up the session, Mr. Nematov emphasized that the high density and frequency of interaction at all levels and on all issues contribute to the progressive development of bilateral cooperation.

“The firm determination of our countries to search for mutually acceptable compromises on the principles of mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests becomes the basis for sustainable development, stability, and prosperity”, the expert concluded.