Akmal Saidov speaks for the inviolability of friendship between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan people
12:13 / 2020-09-14

Dushanbe hosts a scientific and practical conference on “The contribution of the leaders of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan to strengthening friendship, good neighborliness and trust, opening a new page of Tajikistan – Uzbekistan strategic partnership”.

Dushanbe hosts a scientific and practical conference on “The contribution of the leaders of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan to strengthening friendship, good neighborliness and trust, opening a new page of Tajikistan – Uzbekistan strategic partnership”.

The event, organized by the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan and the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, is attended by Uzbekistan’s scientists, researchers and leading experts, led by the First Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Akmal Saidov.

Addressing the conference, the head of Uzbekistan delegation emphasized that unprecedented favorable opportunities are opening up in relations between the two countries for comprehensive expansion of political, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian ties for the benefit of people of the two countries. According to Akmal Saidov, it is important to comprehend the emerging realities, to determine the priority areas of mutually beneficial cooperation, to achieve concrete results.

He highlighted the key role of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan leaders in developing cooperation, determining and implementing the development strategy of the two countries. According to him, it is thanks to the strong political will and far-sighted wise policy of the Presidents that the multifaceted cooperation and friendly ties of the two countries have risen to the level of strategic partnership.

In his speech, the head of Uzbekistan delegation also focused on the existing completely new atmosphere of good-neighborliness and mutually beneficial cooperation in Central Asia.

According to Akmal Saidov, each state of the region makes a worthy contribution to ensuring stability and prosperity in Central Asia. Thanks to the political will and practical steps of the leaders of the region’s countries, states are reaching a higher level of interaction. 

Rapprochement and expansion of cooperation in the region is a demanding and irreversible process, Akmal Saidov noted. It is based on a firm political choice, has deep historical prerequisites and is not directed against anyone’s interests, the head of Uzbekistan delegation quoted President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.