Active preparations underway for the International Handicrafters Festival
21:49 / 2019-08-06

Kokand hosted a press conference on the process of preparation for the International Handicrafters Festival, which will be held on September 10-15 this year.

Kokand hosted a press conference on the process of preparation for the International Handicrafters Festival, which will be held on September 10-15 this year.

The event was attended by senior officials of the Republican Association “Hunarmand”, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications, the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Tourism Development and other authorized organizations, and journalists.

Khokim of the city of Kokand M.Usmanov, Head of the press center of the festival S. Shukurov and others presented information on preparations for the international festival, which is conducted in accordance with the resolution of the Head of the state “On holding the International Handicrafters Festival” of November 1, 2018.

With the support of the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the festival website ( was created in Uzbek, Russian and English. It contains information about the festival, national handicrafts, artisans and their products. In addition, on this site, foreign and local artisans who wish to participate in the festival can apply online for registration and register. The embassies of Uzbekistan abroad were informed about this through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On June 30 this year, the registration process on the website was completed. 480 people from 74 countries were registered through the website. The selection committee selected 205 foreign artisans in 29 areas of handicraft from 72 countries. In addition, a list of 36 senior foreign statesmen, chairmen of committees, deputy ministers and scientists has been compiled. Formal invitations have been sent to all foreign guests and participants.

It was determined that 32 foreign and domestic scientists from 23 countries will take part in the scientific-practical conference on “Prospects for development of handicrafts and folk-applied art”. A two-day program and a conference concept have been developed. Representatives of 11 foreign media passed registration to participate in the festival.