Speaking at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Forum session “The Role of the SCO in New Conditions: Joining Efforts for the Sake of Universal Security, Stability, and Prosperity” with a welcoming speech, SCO Secretary-General Zhang Ming focused special attention on the organization’s achievements.
As the Head of the SCO noted, for more than 20 years of its development, the structure has turned from a regional mechanism for meetings of heads of state into the largest comprehensive international organization”.
Moreover, he pointed out that the number of members of the “big family” is growing. “At the upcoming Summit in Astana next month, a decision will be made on the accession of Belarus to the SCO, and thus, the number of member states will reach a historic double-digit breakthrough”, Zhang Ming noted.
Speaking about promising areas of cooperation within the Organization, Zhang Ming noted that the SCO pays attention not only to top-level tasks such as politics, diplomacy, peace, development, and security but also to topics close to the people, such as tourism, sports, and waste disposal.
“The above achievements are convincing proof that the Shanghai Spirit corresponds to the organization’s common interests and original goal to maintain security and stability and ensure sustainable development, and the SCO cooperation will only strengthen”, he stressed.
At the same time, the Secretary-General highlighted the activities of the SCO Forum separately. According to him, over the 19 years, this structure has become the Organization’s most authoritative consulting and expert mechanism.
At the same time, he noted that today’s Forum considers topics of great practical and long-term importance for developing the SCO in a new era.
G.Khonnazarov, photo by R.Nazarmatov, UzA