Workshop on training for mining-metallurgical enterprises
Almalyk hosted a scientific-practical workshop on training for mining-metallurgical enterprises of Uzbekistan in the light of implementation of new investment projects in the industry.
Almalyk hosted a scientific-practical workshop on training for mining-metallurgical enterprises of Uzbekistan in the light of implementation of new investment projects in the industry.
The event was organized by the branch of the Russian Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “National Research Technological University “MISiS” together with Almalyk MMC and with participation of Uzmetkombinat, Uzvtorcvetmet and Tashkent Metallurgical Plant under construction.
The workshop was attended by representatives of MISiS National Research Technological University.
The main purpose of the workshop is to develop well-regulated mechanisms of interaction between industrial enterprises and scientific-education institutions.
Development of modern educational programs, interaction of enterprises with education institutions, the needs of mining-metallurgical industry of Uzbekistan in personnel in relation to implementation of investment projects was discussed, the strategy and prospects for development of sectoral system of training and other issues were considered at the meeting.
Specific recommendations on training personnel for enterprises of the mining-metallurgical industry of Uzbekistan in the context of investment projects in the industry were developed.